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Billet induction የማሞቂያ ምድጃ

Billet induction የማሞቂያ ምድጃ

The billet induction ማሞቂያ ምድጃ adopts intermediate frequency series resonance power supply to control its characteristics:

● Parallel resonance design, phase shift power adjustment, the equipment is mature and stable; it has more advantages in the high power range above 3000KW.

● የDSP ቁጥጥር፣ ፈጣን ቀረጻ ደረጃ መቆለፊያ ጅምር፣ ተደጋጋሚ ጅምር እና ማቆም፣ ከፍተኛ የስኬት ፍጥነት ማሟላት።

● Frequency conversion and load adaptation, frequency adaptation range 200-10000Hz, automatic matching for induction furnace replacement, no manual adjustment is required.

● T2 ቀይ የመዳብ ናስ አሞሌዎች በካቢኔ ውስጥ ጥቅም ላይ ይውላሉ, በአሸዋ የተበተኑ እና ያልፋሉ; ዝቅተኛ የማፍሰሻ ኢንዳክሽን, ፀረ-ኦክሳይድ, የመስመር መጥፋትን ውጤታማ በሆነ መንገድ ይቀንሳል.

● ሙሉ የንክኪ ስክሪን ቁጥጥር፣ ንጹህ ዲጂታል ቅንብር፣ የተሟላ የሂደት መዝገብ እና ጥብቅ ደረጃ ባለስልጣን። ዋና መለኪያዎች በአንድ ቁልፍ ወደ ፋብሪካው መቼቶች ሊመለሱ ይችላሉ.

● የአንድ ነጠላ የኃይል አቅርቦት ኃይል 50-6000KW ነው, እና ድግግሞሽ 200-10000Hz ነው.

The induction heating coil of the billet induction heating furnace is a profiling design. The copper tube is wound with T2 oxygen-free copper. The wall thickness of the copper tube is ≥2.5mm. The furnace body insulation material is made of knotted materials imported from the United States. It has high strength, high temperature resistance and longer service life. Long; the inlet and outlet ends of the furnace body of the steel billet secondary heating equipment are encapsulated with 5mm red copper plates, which greatly reduces the magnetic flux leakage and prolongs the service life. The furnace body chassis frame is made of non-magnetic stainless steel or aluminum alloy to reduce the influence of magnetic leakage and heat generation on other devices. The square steel billet induction heating furnace is equipped with a water-cooled roller between every two furnace bodies, and each roller is equipped with a variable frequency speed regulating motor to ensure the stable and uniform speed of the billet.

The billet is driven by the motor and the idler to run in the induction heater at a uniform speed. The billet is heated at a uniform temperature with less heat loss and high heating efficiency. The American Leitai thermometer is equipped at the discharge port to display the heating temperature of the billet in real time to maintain the workpiece The uniformity. The billet heating furnace has a higher degree of automation than ordinary equipment, and is convenient to operate and easy to connect with other equipment and has a high degree of intelligence. The billet induction heating furnace heats evenly, the billet after heat treatment has no cracks, no over-burning, and no straightening machine for straightening. The tensile strength and toughness can meet customer needs.

Operating conditions of billet induction heating furnace and user-supplied parts:

1. The user provides power supply on the high-voltage side of the transformer, electrical connection lines from the transformer to the low-voltage power distribution cabinet and power cabinet, and the operation console enters the line.

2. ከፍታ – ≤2000m; አንጻራዊ እርጥበት – ≤90%

3. Equipment cooling: The total flow of the whole set of equipment is greater than or equal to 200 cubic meters per hour. Pressure≥0.3MPa

4. No conductive dust and corrosive gas.

Billet induction heating furnace price

Billet size


Billet length


የማሞቂያ ሙቀት


የማምረት አቅም
60 x 60 ሚሜ 3m-4m 1150 25T / H
75 x 75 ሚሜ 3m-4m 1150 25T / H
100 x 100 ሚሜ 2m 1150 7T / H
120 x 120 ሚሜ   1150 30T / H
120 x 120 ሚሜ 11.5-12.5m 1150 90T / H
125 x 125 ሚሜ 6m 1150 8T / H
125 x 125 ሚሜ 2m 1150 7T / H
130 x 130 ሚሜ 6m 1150 50T / H
135 x 135 ሚሜ 6m 1150 100T / H
150 x 150 ሚሜ 11.5-12.5m 1150 70T / H