- 15
- Feb
የብረት ቱቦ ኢንዳክሽን ማሞቂያ ምድጃ መርህ
የሲንሰሩ ጠመዝማዛ የሚከናወነው በኩባንያችን በተዘጋጀው “ኢንደክተር ማምረቻ ሂደት ኮድ” መሰረት ነው.
2. የብረት ቱቦ ኢንዳክሽን ማሞቂያ ምድጃ እቶን አካል Φ95-130 ብረት ቱቦዎች የተለያዩ መስፈርቶች መሠረት, እያንዳንዱ 6 ስብስቦች ጋር በሁለት ስብስቦች የተከፈለ ነው. Φ95-115 የብረት ቱቦ ቡድን ነው, Φ115-130 የብረት ቱቦ ቡድን ነው.
2.1 The principle of the steel tube induction heating furnace is a high power density heating device, the power density can reach several hundred or even several kilowatts per square centimeter. If no measures are taken, the highly concentrated power will generate a magnetic field leakage to the two ends, causing heating of the roller table; coupled with the dissipation of the magnetic field lines, these factors will increase the power consumption of the furnace body and make the heating effect of the two ends of the furnace body poor. In addition, heating is done by using three power supplies. If they are turned on at the same time, the six furnaces will interfere with each other; this will affect the increase of power supply. This is reflected in the similar equipment we provided for you in 2001. . To this end, we take the following measures:
2.1.1 In order to reduce magnetic leakage, ensure that the intermediate frequency power supply is not interfered by the magnetic field and the roller table and the support frame between the furnace body are not heated, the front and rear furnace plates of the furnace body are made of closed copper plates and water is specially designed to pass water on the circumference of the furnace mouth.
2.1.2 እያንዳንዱ የእቶኑ ስብስብ በሃይል የሚንቀሳቀስ ቁመት የሚስተካከለው የብረት ቱቦ ማእከል መመሪያ መዋቅር ያለው ሲሆን ይህም የብረት ቱቦው በቀላሉ ወደ ምድጃው እንዲገባ ያደርገዋል, የብረት ቱቦው በኢንደክተሩ ላይ ያለውን ተጽእኖ ያስወግዳል እና አገልግሎቱን በተሳካ ሁኔታ ያራዝመዋል. የኢንደክተሩ ሕይወት.
2.1.3 ፀረ-መግነጢሳዊ እቶን አፍ ሳህን በፊት እና በኋላ አካል ልዩ መዋቅር ፈጠራ የእኛ ኩባንያ ነው.
2.2 የምድጃው ሽፋን ኮርዱንም ቱቦን ይቀበላል ፣ የአገልግሎት ሙቀት ከ 1700 ℃ በላይ ሊደርስ ይችላል ፣ እና ጥሩ መከላከያ ፣ የሙቀት መከላከያ ፣ ቅዝቃዜ እና ሙቀትን የመቋቋም እና ተፅእኖን የመቋቋም ችሎታ አለው።
2.3 There is a drain hole at the bottom of the induction furnace body, which can automatically drain the condensed water in the furnace.
2.4 The length of the furnace body is about 660 mm.
2.5 The structure of the induction furnace is shown in the figure