- 25
- Feb
Reference and setting method of muffle furnace temperature and constant temperature time
Reference and setting method of prigušna peć temperature and constant temperature time
Many friends are consulting about the reference and setting methods of the temperature and constant temperature time of the muffle furnace. The specific methods are as follows:
If there is no constant temperature timing function:
Click the “Set” button to enter the temperature setting state, the upper row of the display window displays the prompt “SP”, and the lower row displays the temperature setting value (first place value flashes), and you can press the shift, increase, and decrease keys Modify to the required setting value; click the “Set” button again to exit this setting state, and the modified setting value will be automatically saved. In this setting state, if the muffle furnace does not press any key within 1 minute, the controller will automatically return to the normal display state.
If there is a constant temperature timer function
Click the “set” button of the muffle furnace to enter the temperature setting state, the upper row of the display window displays the prompt “SP”, the lower row displays the temperature setting value (first flashing), the modification method is the same as the above; then click ” Set” button to enter the constant temperature time setting state, the upper row of the display window displays the prompt “ST”, and the lower row displays the constant temperature time setting value (first place value flashes); then click the “set” button to exit this Setting status, the modified setting value is automatically saved.
Kad je vrijeme konstantne temperature postavljeno na “0”, to znači da peć za prigušivanje nema funkciju mjerenja vremena, a regulator radi neprekidno, a donji red prozora za prikaz prikazuje zadanu vrijednost temperature; kada podešeno vrijeme nije “0”, donji red prozora prikazuje tekuću vrijednost postavke vremena ili temperature. Kad se prikaže vrijeme rada, svijetli znak “vrijeme rada”, a kada izmjerena temperatura dostigne zadanu temperaturu, mjerač vremena počinje mjeriti vrijeme, znak “vrijeme rada” treperi, odbrojavanje je isteklo, operacija se završava i na ekranu se prikazuje „Kraj“ je prikazan u donjem redu prozora, a zvučni signal će zvučati 1 minut, a zatim prestati. Nakon što je operacija završena, pritisnite i zadržite tipku za smanjenje 3 sekunde za ponovno pokretanje operacije.
If the muffle furnace temperature setting value is increased during the timing process, the meter will restart timing from 0, and if the temperature setting value is decreased, the meter will continue to keep timing.