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Qhov sib txawv ntawm qhov txuas txuas txuas mus tas li thiab stacking coefficient thiab stacking piv?


Qhov sib txawv ntawm qhov txuas txuas txuas mus tas li thiab stacking coefficient thiab stacking piv?

1 , continuous rolling and continuous rolling constant

Ib daim dov yog dov rau ntawm ob peb lub dov mills tib lub sijhawm thiab khaws cia rau hauv ib lub sij hawm rau lub dov ntawm lub dov zeb los ntawm qhov sib npaug ntawm txhua qhov dov zeb. Qhov ntim ntawm cov hlau dhau hauv ib chav tsev ntawm lub sijhawm (yog tias nws yog qhov ntim ntawm cov hlau hla hauv ib thib ob, nws yog hu ua hlau thib ob ntws.) xam los ntawm:

V = (π Dn/60) S

Qhov twg V yog qhov ntim ntawm cov hlau hla lub zeb ib lub sijhawm, mm3;

D – dov txoj kab uas hla, mm;

n – yob ceev, r / min;

S —— seem cheeb tsam ntawm lub dov daim, mm2 .

The volume of metal passing through each mill in a unit time is equal to a constant. This constant is called the continuous rolling constant. It can be expressed by the following formula:

K even = S1D1n1 = S2D2n2 = S3D3n3 . . . . . . =SnDnn

In the actual rolling production, the continuous rolling constant is constantly changing due to the influence of the front slip and the continuous change of the hole type and the like. Therefore, the continuous rolling constant must be adjusted and corrected accordingly.

2, stacking coefficient = stacking coefficient + kos duab coefficient


Rau micro-stack dov, thaum dov, lub dov Tshuag dhau ntawm cov racks yuav tsum ua raws li lub hauv paus ntsiab lus ntawm qhov sib npaug ntawm cov vib nas this.

,which is:

ν 1S1 = ν 2S2 = . . . = Ν xSx = K txawm

Qhov twg ν 1 , ν 2 , ν x yog cov dov nrawm ntawm qhov sib tw dov;

S —— the cross-sectional area of ​​the rolled piece;

K even – continuous rolling constant.

If the rolled piece is rolled simultaneously on two adjacent frames, and the second flow of the front frame is slightly larger than that of the rear frame, namely:

ν xSx >ν x+1Sx+1

Nyob rau hauv cov ntaub ntawv ntawm ib qho me me ntawm cov khoom dov, lub tes tsho dawb yog tsim los ntawm ob lub thav duab, uas yog, qhov tshwm sim micro-heap tshwm sim. Cov txheej txheem dov no hu ua micro-stack rolling.

In the production of wire rod mills, there are micro-stack rolling between pre-finishing or medium-rolling stands due to the hole design or the adjustment of the rolling mill. In the micro-stack rolling, the rolling state is described by the stacking factor K stack. The K stack is equal to the ratio of the back frame metal second flow to the front frame metal second flow rate of adjacent racks with continuous rolling relationships. When the K stack is >1 , it is rolled for pulling steel; when the K stack is <1 , it is rolled for stacking steel. The stacking factor of micropile rolling is usually 0.99 to 0.98 .

3 , stacking rate

Tus txheeb ze sib txawv ntawm cov hlau ntws ntawm ob lub racks uas nyob ib sab thaum lub sij hawm dov tsis tu ncua, tus nqi stacking = (Vi + 1 – Vi) / Vi × 100 qhov twg Vi = FiDwini (1 + Shi) nkoj (1 + Sk) V yog hlau thib ob ntws; F yog qhov chaw hla ntawm cov khoom dov ntawm qhov tawm; Dw yog qhov ua haujlwm yob txoj kab uas hla; n yog txoj haujlwm yob ceev; Sh yog tus nqi qis rau pem hauv ntej. Thaum lub stacking tus nqi yog qhov zoo, nws yog hu ua rub steel, qhov ntau dua tus nqi kiag li, qhov loj dua cov hlau. Yog hais tias lub stacking tus nqi yog qhov tsis zoo, nws yog hu ua pawg hlau, thiab qhov loj dua qhov tseeb yog, qhov loj dua pawg.