- 18
- Apr
Bedane antarane konstanta rolling terus-terusan lan koefisien tumpukan lan rasio tumpukan?
Bedane antarane konstanta rolling terus-terusan lan koefisien tumpukan lan rasio tumpukan?
1 , continuous rolling and continuous rolling constant
A rolled piece is rolled on several rolling mills at the same time and kept rolling in a unit time for the rolling of the rolling mill through the equal volume of each rolling mill. The volume of metal passed in a unit of time (if it is the volume of metal passing in one second, it is called the metal second flow.) Calculated by:
V= (π Dn/60 ) S
Ing endi V yaiku volume logam sing ngliwati pabrik per unit wektu, mm3;
D – diameteripun kerja muter, mm;
n – kacepetan muter, r / min;
S —— area bagean saka potongan sing digulung, mm2.
Volume logam sing ngliwati saben pabrik ing wektu unit padha karo konstanta. Konstanta iki diarani konstanta gulung terus. Bisa digambarake kanthi rumus ing ngisor iki:
K even = S1D1n1 = S2D2n2 = S3D3n3 . . . . . . =SnDnnn
Ing produksi rolling nyata, pancet rolling terus saya ganti amarga pengaruh slip ngarep lan owah-owahan terus saka jinis bolongan lan kaya. Mulane, konstanta rolling sing terus-terusan kudu diatur lan didandani.
2, koefisien numpuk = koefisien numpuk + koefisien gambar
For micro-stack rolling, when rolling, the rolling stock passing between the racks must meet the principle of equal flow of seconds.
,which is:
ν 1S1= ν 2S2= . . . = Ν xSx = K genap
Where ν 1 , ν 2 , ν x are the rolling speeds of the respective rolling passes;
S – area cross-sectional saka potongan sing digulung;
K even – continuous rolling constant.
If the rolled piece is rolled simultaneously on two adjacent frames, and the second flow of the front frame is slightly larger than that of the rear frame, namely:
ν xSx >ν x+1Sx+1
Ing kasus bagean cilik saka potongan sing digulung, lengen gratis digawe ing antarane rong pigura, yaiku kedadeyan fenomena mikro-heap. Proses rolling iki diarani micro-stack rolling.
In the production of wire rod mills, there are micro-stack rolling between pre-finishing or medium-rolling stands due to the hole design or the adjustment of the rolling mill. In the micro-stack rolling, the rolling state is described by the stacking factor K stack. The K stack is equal to the ratio of the back frame metal second flow to the front frame metal second flow rate of adjacent racks with continuous rolling relationships. When the K stack is >1 , it is rolled for pulling steel; when the K stack is <1 , it is rolled for stacking steel. The stacking factor of micropile rolling is usually 0.99 to 0.98 .
3 , stacking rate
Bentenipun relatif saka tingkat aliran logam loro rak jejer sak rolling terus, tingkat tumpukan = (Vi + 1 – Vi) / Vi × 100 ngendi Vi = FiDwini (1 + Shi) kapal (1 + Sk) V punika Metal detik mili; F minangka area cross-sectional saka produk sing digulung ing metu; Dw punika diameteripun muter karya; n punika kacepetan muter karya; Sh punika tingkat slip maju. Nalika tingkat tumpukan positif, diarani baja tarik, sing luwih gedhe nilai absolute, sing luwih serius baja kasebut. Yen tingkat tumpukan negatif, diarani tumpukan baja, lan luwih gedhe nilai absolute, luwih gedhe tumpukan kasebut.