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Come utilizzare e salvare il pannello isolante SMC

Come utilizzare e salvare il pannello isolante SMC

1. When the product is found to have cracks, scratches, thickness reduction, etc., which are insufficient to ensure the insulation function during use, it should be replaced in time.

2. When the insulating board is in use, the ground should be flat and free of sharp and hard objects. When laying the boards, the joints of the boards should be flat and not curled to prevent the operator from falling down when inspecting the equipment or turning over.

3. The product should be kept dry and clean. Take care to prevent contact with acids, alkalis and various oils to avoid aging, cracking or stickiness after corrosion, and then reduce its insulation function.

4. Il pannello isolante deve evitare la luce solare diretta o graffi metallici taglienti ed evitare di trovarlo troppo vicino alla fonte di calore (riscaldamento, ecc.) quando lo si conserva per evitare l’aggravarsi dell’invecchiamento e del deterioramento, quindi ridurre la funzione di isolamento.

  1. Il prodotto va lavato con acqua e sapone ogni sei mesi.