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How to use the muffle furnace correctly

Carane nggunakake tungku muffle bener

1. When the muffle furnace is used for the first time or used again after a long period of inactivity, it must be oven-dried. The oven time should be four hours at room temperature 200°C. 200°C to 600°C for four hours. When in use, the maximum furnace temperature must not exceed the rated temperature, so as not to burn the heating element. It is forbidden to pour various liquids and easily soluble metals into the furnace. The muffle furnace is best to work below the maximum temperature of 50 ℃, when the furnace wire has a longer life.

2. Tungku muffle lan controller kudu bisa ing panggonan kang asor relatif ora ngluwihi 85%, lan ora ana bledug konduktif, gas mbledhos utawa gas korosif. Nalika materi logam karo pelumas utawa kaya kudu digawe panas, jumlah gedhe saka gas molah malih bakal mengaruhi lan corrode lumahing unsur panas listrik, nyebabake kanggo numpes lan shorten umur. Mulane, pemanasan kudu dicegah ing wektu lan wadhah kasebut kudu disegel utawa dibukak kanthi bener kanggo nyopot.

3, pengontrol tungku muffle kudu diwatesi kanggo digunakake ing sawetara suhu sekitar 0-40 ℃.

4. Miturut syarat technical, ajeg mriksa apa wiring saka pawon elektrik lan controller ing kondisi apik, apa penunjuk indikator macet utawa stagnated nalika obah, lan nggunakake potentiometer kanggo calibrate meter amarga baja Magnetik. , demagnetization, expansion kabel, lan shrapnel Tambah kesalahan disebabake lemes, Gagal imbangan, etc.

5. Aja narik metu thermocouple dumadakan ing suhu dhuwur kanggo nyegah jaket saka bursting.

6. Tansah njaga tungku muffle resik lan mbusak oksida ing pawon ing wektu.