- 12
- Jan
How to use the muffle furnace correctly
Çawa bikar bînin firna muffle rast
1. When the muffle furnace is used for the first time or used again after a long period of inactivity, it must be oven-dried. The oven time should be four hours at room temperature 200°C. 200°C to 600°C for four hours. When in use, the maximum furnace temperature must not exceed the rated temperature, so as not to burn the heating element. It is forbidden to pour various liquids and easily soluble metals into the furnace. The muffle furnace is best to work below the maximum temperature of 50 ℃, when the furnace wire has a longer life.
2. Divê firna muffle û kontrolker li cîhek bixebitin ku nemahiya têkildar ji% 85 derbas nebe û toz, gaza teqemenî an gaza gemarî tune be. Dema ku pêdivî ye ku materyalê metalê ya bi rûn an mîna wan were germ kirin, hejmareke mezin a gaza guhezbar dê bandorê li ser rûbera hêmana germkirina elektrîkê bike û bişewitîne, û dibe sedema hilweşandina wê û dirêjahiya jiyanê kurt bike. Ji ber vê yekê, divê di wextê de pêşî li germkirinê were girtin û ji bo rakirina wê konteynir divê were girtin an rast were vekirin.
3, divê kontrolkerê firna muffle were sînordar kirin ku di germahiya hawîrdorê ya 0-40 ℃ de were bikar anîn.
4. According to the technical requirements, regularly check whether the wiring of the electric furnace and the controller is in good condition, whether the pointer of the indicator is stuck or stagnated when moving, and use the potentiometer to calibrate the meter due to magnetic steel, demagnetization, wire expansion, and shrapnel Increased error caused by fatigue, balance failure, etc.
5. Ji nişka ve di germahiya bilind de termocouple dernexînin da ku çakêt biteqe.
6. Her tim firna muffle paqij bihêlin û di dema wextê de oksîdan di firnê de derxînin.