- 12
- Jan
How to use the muffle furnace correctly
Momwe mungagwiritsire ntchito muffle ng’anjo molondola
1. When the muffle furnace is used for the first time or used again after a long period of inactivity, it must be oven-dried. The oven time should be four hours at room temperature 200°C. 200°C to 600°C for four hours. When in use, the maximum furnace temperature must not exceed the rated temperature, so as not to burn the heating element. It is forbidden to pour various liquids and easily soluble metals into the furnace. The muffle furnace is best to work below the maximum temperature of 50 ℃, when the furnace wire has a longer life.
2. Mng’anjo yamoto ndi wolamulira ayenera kugwira ntchito pamalo pomwe chinyezi sichidutsa 85%, ndipo palibe fumbi loyendetsa, mpweya wophulika kapena gasi wowononga. Pamene zitsulo zachitsulo ndi mafuta kapena zina ziyenera kutenthedwa, mpweya wochuluka wothamanga umakhudza ndi kuwononga pamwamba pa kutentha kwa magetsi, kuchititsa kuti kuwonongeke ndikufupikitsa moyo. Choncho, kutentha kuyenera kupewedwa panthawi yake ndipo chidebecho chiyenera kutsekedwa kapena kutsegulidwa bwino kuti chichotse.
3, wowongolera ng’anjo ya muffle ayenera kuchepetsedwa kuti agwiritse ntchito kutentha kozungulira kwa 0-40 ℃.
4. Malinga ndi zofunikira zaumisiri, fufuzani nthawi zonse ngati waya wa ng’anjo yamagetsi ndi wolamulira ali bwino, ngati cholozera cha chizindikirocho chikugwedezeka kapena chokhazikika pamene chikuyenda, ndipo gwiritsani ntchito potentiometer kuti muyese mita chifukwa cha chitsulo cha maginito. , demagnetization, kukulitsa waya, ndi shrapnel Kuchulukitsa zolakwika chifukwa cha kutopa, kulephera bwino, ndi zina.
5. Musatulutse thermocouple mwadzidzidzi pa kutentha kwakukulu kuti muteteze jekete kuti lisawonongeke.
6. Nthawi zonse sungani ng’anjo ya muffle kukhala yaukhondo ndikuchotsa ma oxide mu ng’anjoyo pakapita nthawi.