- 07
- May
Sampeyan kudu ngerti suhu tungku pemanasan induksi frekuensi tengah kanthi otomatis kanthi otomatis
Take you to understand the fully automatic temperature closed loop intermediate frequency tungku dadi pemanasan
The 750KW/1.0KHZ intermediate frequency induction heating furnace adopts three automatic selection mechanisms of feeding, feeding, discharging and temperature. The specially proposed temperature closed-loop control uses two power supplies and three sensors. The thermometer adopts perforated temperature measurement, the first thermometer is in the preheating section, and the second thermometer is at a certain position away from the furnace outlet. The first thermometer collects the temperature of the specific temperature measurement point and feeds it back to the PLC. The PLC intelligent output ensures that the temperature of the furnace outlet meets the set temperature. Two thermometers, two power supplies, multiple sensors, modular design It constitutes a fully closed-loop temperature control system.
Parameter proses utama saka tungku pemanasan induksi frekuensi menengah yaiku:
1. materi kosong: 45 # baja, etc.
2. Ing sawetara specifications kosong: diameteripun Φ70-160, dawa 120-540. Akèh-akèhé bar kanthi otomatis dipakani dening jinis washboard, lan sing ngluwihi sawetara saka mesin dipakani utawa dipakani menyang alur V-shaped kanthi manual.
3. Suhu panas: 1250 ℃.
4. Beat: Kothong khas Φ120, dawa 250mm: 44 detik / Piece. Dhiameter Φ90 lan dawa 400mm: 40 detik / bêsik. Dhiameter Φ150 lan dawa 300mm: 82 detik / Piece.
5. Pemanasan stabil sajrone operasi normal, lan fluktuasi suhu antarane saben bagean materi ing ± 15 ° C; axial lan radial (tabel inti) ≤100 ° C.
6. Tekanan sistem pasokan banyu pendinginan luwih saka 0.5MPa (tekanan banyu normal luwih saka 0.4 MPa), lan suhu sing luwih dhuwur yaiku 60 ° C. Tekanan selang lan antarmuka sing cocog uga kudu ditambah kanthi proporsional kanggo standar safety.