- 07
- May
Ku qaado si aad u fahanto heerkulka tooska ah ee xidhan ee foornada kulaylinta soo noqnoqda ee dhexdhexaadka ah
Take you to understand the fully automatic temperature closed loop intermediate frequency kuleylka kuleylka
The 750KW/1.0KHZ intermediate frequency induction heating furnace adopts three automatic selection mechanisms of feeding, feeding, discharging and temperature. The specially proposed temperature closed-loop control uses two power supplies and three sensors. The thermometer adopts perforated temperature measurement, the first thermometer is in the preheating section, and the second thermometer is at a certain position away from the furnace outlet. The first thermometer collects the temperature of the specific temperature measurement point and feeds it back to the PLC. The PLC intelligent output ensures that the temperature of the furnace outlet meets the set temperature. Two thermometers, two power supplies, multiple sensors, modular design It constitutes a fully closed-loop temperature control system.
Halbeegyada habka ugu muhiimsan ee foornada kululaynta induction ee soo noqnoqoshada dhexdhexaadka ah waa sida soo socota:
1. Waxyaabo banaan: 45# bir, iwm.
2. Baaxadda qeexitaannada bannaan: dhexroor Φ70-160, dhererka 120-540. Inta badan baararka waxaa si toos ah loogu quudiyaa nooca looxa dharka lagu dhaqo, iyo kuwa dhaafa inta u dhexeysa mashiinka quudinta ama waxaa lagu quudiyaa jeexdin qaabka V-qaabeeya.
3. Heerkulka kuleylka: 1250 ℃.
4. garaac: Bannaanka caadiga ah Φ120, dhererka 250mm: 44 ilbiriqsi / gabal. Dhexroorka Φ90 iyo dhererka 400mm: 40 ilbiriqsi/goobo. Dhexroorka Φ150 iyo dhererka 300mm: 82 sekan/ gabal.
5. Kuleylku waa xasiloon inta lagu jiro hawlgalka caadiga ah, iyo isbedbeddelka heerkulka u dhexeeya qayb kasta oo ka mid ah walxaha waa gudaha ± 15 ° C; axial iyo radial (miiska xudunta u ah) ≤100°C.
6. Cadaadiska nidaamka qaboojinta biyaha ayaa ka weyn 0.5MPa (cadaadiska biyaha caadiga ah ayaa ka weyn 0.4 MPa), heerkulka sare waa 60 ° C. Cadaadiska tuubada u dhiganta iyo is-dhexgalka ayaa sidoo kale u baahan in si siman loo kordhiyo heerarka badbaadada.