- 07
- May
To’liq avtomatik haroratli yopiq pastadir oraliq chastotali indüksiyon isitish pechini tushunish uchun sizni olib boring
Take you to understand the fully automatic temperature closed loop intermediate frequency indüksiyon isitish pechkasi
The 750KW/1.0KHZ intermediate frequency induction heating furnace adopts three automatic selection mechanisms of feeding, feeding, discharging and temperature. The specially proposed temperature closed-loop control uses two power supplies and three sensors. The thermometer adopts perforated temperature measurement, the first thermometer is in the preheating section, and the second thermometer is at a certain position away from the furnace outlet. The first thermometer collects the temperature of the specific temperature measurement point and feeds it back to the PLC. The PLC intelligent output ensures that the temperature of the furnace outlet meets the set temperature. Two thermometers, two power supplies, multiple sensors, modular design It constitutes a fully closed-loop temperature control system.
Oraliq chastotali induksion isitish pechining asosiy texnologik parametrlari quyidagilardan iborat:
1. Bo’sh material: 45 # po’lat va boshqalar.
2. Bo’sh spetsifikatsiyalar diapazoni: diametri PH70-160, uzunligi 120-540. Barlarning ko’pchiligi avtomatik ravishda kir yuvish taxtasi turi bilan oziqlanadi va oziqlantirish mashinasining diapazonidan oshib ketadiganlari yoki V shaklidagi yivga qo’lda beriladi.
3. Isitish harorati: 1250 ℃.
4. Beat: Odatda bo’sh PH120, uzunligi 250 mm: 44 soniya / dona. Diametri PH90 va uzunligi 400 mm: 40 soniya / dona. Diametri PH 150 va uzunligi 300 mm: 82 soniya / dona.
5. Oddiy ish paytida isitish barqaror bo’lib, materialning har bir qismi orasidagi harorat o’zgarishi ± 15 ° C atrofida; eksenel va radial (yadro jadvali) ≤100 ° C.
6. Sovutish suvi ta’minoti tizimining bosimi 0.5MPa dan katta (oddiy suv bosimi 0.4 MPa dan yuqori), yuqori harorat esa 60 ° C dir. Tegishli shlang bosimi va interfeysi ham xavfsizlik standartlariga mutanosib ravishda oshirilishi kerak.