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Summary table of maintenance points for induction melting furnace

Summary table of maintenance points for 유도 용해로


Maintenance and repair items Maintenance and repair content Maintenance time and frequency 비고









Check whether the noise of the pump is abnormal 1 time / week When the pump is noisy , there are the following reasons :

(1) Air is sucked in by the suction filter

(2) The suction side of the pump sucks in air



압력 조절 밸브

(1) When there is a time lag from the start of the pump to when the pressure rises and when the noise of the pressure regulating valve increases , disassemble the pressure regulating valve for cleaning

(2) When the tilting speed is too slow , increase the setting of the pressure regulating valve within the maximum operating pressure range of the device . The set pressure does not rise , remove it for cleaning



파이프 필터

Disassemble the filter for cleaning




부품 교환

The first time is one month , and then one time /3 months

1 time /2 years

피리 소리

Emergency generator

휘발유 엔진

핸드 펌프

Visually check for oil leaks on the piping

Prevent rust , start the engine pump

Check according to the attached check book

Take measures to prevent rust and start the hand pump

1 time / month

1 time / month


1 time / month


팬 벨트

Whether the belt is slack



Whether the belt is broken

The first time is one month , afterwards

1 time /6 months

공기 정화기 Visually check the vacuuming status and clean with compressed air in the workshop 1 time / month


Noise, vibration Is the noise and vibration of the blower different from usual? 1 time / week  
Add lubricating oil Blower bearing 1 time /3 months  
Cooling water circuit  




냉각수 펌프

(1) Bearing temperature and motor housing temperature

(2) When there is water leakage in the pump bearing , reinforce the bearing

(3) Is the noise and vibration of the motor and pump different from usual?

(4) After a long period of operation , or when the operation is stopped in winter or at night , the remaining water should be removed

(5) Wear of gland sealing electricity

1 time / week

1 time / month

1 time / month




1 time /1.5 ~2 years






(1) Clogging of the nozzle

(2) The dirt of the filter :

Clean or replace when the contamination is serious

(3) Whether the fan belt is loose




(4) Add lubricating oil to fan bearings




Initially for a check once a month , after 1 times / 3 months

1 time /3 months

Check whether the nozzle is blocked from the inspection window during operation
Maintenance and repair items Maintenance and repair content Maintenance time and frequency 비고





Cooling water circuit










Cooling water circuit

(1) Is the flow of the flow meter different from usual

(2) Clean the filter

(3) Water pressure gauge

Whether the alarm value is normal and the pressure indication is different from usual

(4) Thermometer

Whether the thermometer indicates normal

Whether the alarm contact point is abnormal

(5) Piping

Whether the piping is leaking

1 time / day

1 time /3 months

1 time / week




1 time / month

1 time / week


1 time / day


비상 장비

(1) Gasoline engine pump

Run once a week , one time is half an hour

(2) The gasoline engine is inspected according to the attached inspection book

(3) Emergency solenoid valve

1 time / week



1 time / day

누출로 경보 장치 Electrode lead wire inspection (1) Is the electrode lead wire connection normal?

(2) Is the electrode lead wire grounded?

1 time / day Check with test stick

Coil check

When dismantling the furnace :

Whether the coil is burnt out due to molten metal

Whether there are bumps in the coil

Whether the coil is damaged

  It is appropriate to fill in the coil insulation with asbestos plaster and the renewal period is 3 to 5 years.