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Introduction to the scope and classification of muffle furnace

Introduction to the scope and classification of muffle furnace

muffle furnace is a cyclically operating general heating equipment, which can be used in laboratories, industrial and mining enterprises and scientific research units for elemental analysis and heating of small steel parts in the process of quenching, annealing and tempering.

After understanding the classification of muffle furnaces, let’s understand the scope of application:

(1) Pêvajoya germî ya perçeyên xebatê yên piçûk, pîşesaziyên çîmento û materyalên avahiyê.

(2) Pharmaceutical industry: drug testing, medical sample pretreatment, etc.

(3) Analytical Chemistry: Sample processing in the field of water quality analysis and environmental analysis. The muffle furnace can also be used for petroleum and its analysis.

(4) Analîzkirina kalîteya komirê: ji bo destnîşankirina şilbûnê, ax, naverokek guhêzbar, analîza xala helîna ax, analîza pêkhatina ax, analîza elementan tê bikar anîn. Di heman demê de ew dikare wekî firna axê ya gelemperî jî were bikar anîn.

At the same time, the classification of furnaces can be classified according to the rated temperature and the difference of the controller, as follows:

Li gorî germahiya binavkirî, ew bi gelemperî dabeş dibe: 1000°C an kêmtir, 1000°C, 1200°C, 1300°C, 1400°C, 1600°C, 1700°C, 1800°C firna muffle.

Li gorî kontrolker, celebên jêrîn hene: tabloya nîşanker, tabloya dîmendera dîjîtal a normal, tabloya kontrolkirina verastkirina PID, tabloya kontrola bernameyê; Li gorî materyalê însulasyonê, du celeb hene: kerpîçên refraktîkî yên asayî û fiber seramîk.