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Introduction to the scope and classification of muffle furnace

Introduction to the scope and classification of muffle furnace

muffle furnace is a cyclically operating general heating equipment, which can be used in laboratories, industrial and mining enterprises and scientific research units for elemental analysis and heating of small steel parts in the process of quenching, annealing and tempering.

After understanding the classification of muffle furnaces, let’s understand the scope of application:


(2) Pharmaceutical industry: drug testing, medical sample pretreatment, etc.

(3) Analytical Chemistry: Sample processing in the field of water quality analysis and environmental analysis. The muffle furnace can also be used for petroleum and its analysis.

(4)煤質分析:用於測定水分、灰分、揮發分​​、灰分熔點分析、灰分成分分析、元素分析。 也可作為一般的灰爐使用。

At the same time, the classification of furnaces can be classified according to the rated temperature and the difference of the controller, as follows:


按控制器分有以下幾種:指針表、普通數顯表、PID調節控製表、程序控製表; 按保溫材料分,有普通耐火磚和陶瓷纖維兩種。