- 31
- Jan
Quenched and tempered heat treatment production line
Quenched and tempered heat treatment production line
Navê alavê: Quenched and tempered heat treatment production line
Adjustable material: 42CrMo steel
Specification: non-standard customization
Energy conversion: adopt quenching + tempering method
Product highlights: PLC automatic intelligent control, stable operation, energy saving and high efficiency
Advantages of the quenched and tempered heat treatment production line:
1. Ew kontrola dabînkirina hêza germkirinê ya induction-a hewa-sarkirî ya IGBT ya nû, mezaxtina hêza kêm, teserûfa enerjiyê û parastina jîngehê, û karîgeriya hilberîna bilind qebûl dike.
2. The quenching and tempering heat treatment production line adopts V-shaped rolls arranged diagonally in the transmission design to reduce radial runout.
3. Leza germkirinê ya bilez, kêm oksîdasyona rûvî, pêvajoya qutkirin û terbkirinê di pêvajoya germkirinê ya zivirî de, û pola xwedan rastbûnek baş e û piştî qutkirin û nermkirinê xwedan guheztinek baş e.
4. Piştî tedawiya germê, perçeya xebatê xwedan domdariya hişkiya pir bilind, yekrengiya mîkrosaziyê, hişkiya zehf bilind û hêza bandorê ye.
5. Pergala kontrolkirina ekrana desta ya PLC dikare hemî pîvanên pêvajoyê yên hişkbûna induction û nermkirina perçeya xebatê tomar bike û hilîne, ku ji bo we rehet e ku hûn di pêşerojê de tomarên dîrokî bibînin.
The complete set of quenching and tempering heat treatment equipment includes:
Induction heating power supply, PLC control system, feeding rack, induction heating system, quenching system, tempering system, discharge rack, can also be matched according to the actual needs of customers: infrared temperature measuring device, cooling system.