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Quenched and tempered heat treatment production line

Quenched and tempered heat treatment production line

Nami paranti: Quenched and tempered heat treatment production line

Adjustable material: 42CrMo steel

Specification: non-standard customization

Energy conversion: adopt quenching + tempering method

Product highlights: PLC automatic intelligent control, stable operation, energy saving and high efficiency

Advantages of the quenched and tempered heat treatment production line:

1. Ieu adopts IGBT hawa-tiis kontrol catu daya pemanasan induksi anyar, konsumsi kakuatan low, hemat energi jeung perlindungan lingkungan, sarta efisiensi produksi tinggi.

2. The quenching and tempering heat treatment production line adopts V-shaped rolls arranged diagonally in the transmission design to reduce radial runout.

3. speed pemanasan gancang, kirang oksidasi permukaan, quenching na tempering prosés dina prosés pemanasan puteran, sarta baja ngabogaan straightness alus tur euweuh bending sanggeus quenching na tempering.

4. Saatos perlakuan panas, workpiece ngabogaan konsistensi karasa pisan tinggi, uniformity of microstructure, kateguhan pisan tinggi jeung kakuatan dampak.

5. Sistem kontrol layar toél PLC tiasa ngarékam sareng nyimpen sadaya parameter prosés hardening induksi sareng tempering workpiece, anu cocog pikeun anjeun ningali catetan sajarah di hareup.

The complete set of quenching and tempering heat treatment equipment includes:

Induction heating power supply, PLC control system, feeding rack, induction heating system, quenching system, tempering system, discharge rack, can also be matched according to the actual needs of customers: infrared temperature measuring device, cooling system.

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