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Operation specification requirements for high frequency quenching equipment

Operation specification requirements for alavên vemirandina frekansa bilind

1. Operatorên alavên qutkirinê yên bi frekansa bilind divê îmtîhanê derbas bikin û belgeya xebatê bistînin berî ku destûr bidin xebitandinê. Pêdivî ye ku operator bi performans û strukturê amûrê re bizanibe, û pêdivî ye ku pergala ewlehî û veguherînê bişopîne;

2. There must be more than two people to operate the high-frequency quenching equipment, and the person in charge of the operation must be designated;

3. When operating the high-frequency quenching equipment, check whether the protective shield is in good condition, and idle people are not allowed to enter during work to avoid danger;

4. Before working, check whether the contact of each part of the equipment is reliable, whether the quenching machine tool is running well, and whether the mechanical or hydraulic transmission is normal;

5. When preparing to turn on the water pump during work, check whether the cooling water pipes are smooth and whether the water pressure is between 1.2kg-2kg. Be careful not to touch the cooling water of the equipment with your hands;

6. The power transmission preheating is performed at the first stage, the filament is preheated for 30min-45min, and then the second stage is performed, and the filament is preheated for 15min. Close and continue to adjust the phase shifter to high voltage. After adding high frequency, hands are not allowed to touch the busbars and inductors;

7. Install the sensor, turn on the cooling water, and drain the workpiece before the sensor can be energized and heated, and no-load power transmission is strictly prohibited. When replacing the workpiece, the high frequency must be stopped. If the high frequency cannot be stopped, the high voltage should be cut off immediately or the emergency switch should be connected;

8. During the operation of the high-frequency quenching equipment, it should be noted that the positive flow and the powder flow are not allowed to exceed the specified value;

9. When working, all the doors should be closed. After the high voltage is closed, do not move to the back of the machine at will, and it is strictly forbidden to open the door;

10. Ger di pêvajoya xebatê ya alavên qutkirinê yên bi frekansa bilind de diyardeyên nenormal werin dîtin, divê pêşî voltaja bilind were qut kirin, dûv re jî xeletî bêne analîz kirin û rakirin.

11. Divê jûr bi alavan vekêşanê were saz kirin da ku gaza tîrêjê û gaza çopê ya ku di dema qutbûnê de derdixe û parastina jîngehê were rakirin. Germahiya hundur divê di 15-35 ° C de were kontrol kirin.

12. Piştî xebatê, pêşî voltaja anodê qut bikin, dûv re dabînkirina elektrîkê ya filamentê qut bikin, û 15-25 hûrdeman dabînkirina avê bidomînin, da ku lûleya elektronîkî bi tevahî sar bibe, û dûv re amûrê paqij bikin û kontrol bikin, wê paqij bikin û zuwa bibe da ku hêmanên elektrîkê nehêlin û neyên şikandin. Dema ku derî ji bo paqijkirinê vekin, pêşî anode, torê, kondensator, hwd.