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What causes damage to the ladle breathable brick?

What causes damage to the ladle breathable brick?

In the process of using ladle air-permeable bricks in steel factories, the main reasons for the damage of air-permeable bricks are thermal stress, mechanical stress, mechanical abrasion, and chemical erosion.

Ny biriky azo zahana rivotra dia misy faritra roa: biriky azo zahana rivotra ary biriky seza azo zahana rivotra. Rehefa velomina ny etona mitsoka avy any ambany, dia hifandray mivantana amin’ny vy voaidina ambony hafanana ny sehatry ny ati-drivotra azo entina. Rehefa mihabetsaka ny isan’ny fampiasana azy, noho ny hafanana haingana sy ny hatsiaka azony, dia vao mainka ho simba ny fototr’ilay biriky miditra, ary mora ny mamoaka triatra.

Ny velaran’ny fiasan’ny biriky azo zahana rivotra ambany dia mifandray mivantana amin’ny vy anidina ambony hafanana, ary ny mari-pana amin’ny faritra tsy miasa dia somary ambany ihany. Ny habetsaky ny biriky azo zahana an’habakabaka sy ireo fitaovana mateza tsy lavitra eo dia miova noho ny fiovan’ny mari-pana mandritra ny fizotran’ny fanodinana vy, fandrarahana ary fanamboarana mafana. Ny fiovan’ny haavony, noho ny fisian’ny gradienan’ny mari-pana sy ny tsy fitovizan’ny coefficient fanitarana hafanana eo amin’ny sosona metamorphic sy ny sosona tany am-boalohany, ny habetsaky ny fiovan’ny volan’ny biriky miditra amin’ny faritra tsy miasa dia miova tsikelikely, izay hiteraka fanetezana ny biriky misy rivotra. Ny herin’ny fanetezana dia mahatonga ny biriky mifofofofo hanana triatra amin’ny làlan-kaleha, ary amin’ny toe-javatra lehibe, ny biriky mifofofofo dia ho vaky ny lalana.

During the tapping process, the molten steel will have a high-strength scouring of the bottom of the ladle, which will accelerate the erosion of the air-permeable brick. When the upper surface of the breathable brick is higher than the bottom of the bag, it will be sheared and washed by the flow of molten steel. The part higher than the bottom of the bag will generally be washed away after one use. In addition, after refining, if the valve is quickly closed, the reverse impact of molten steel will also accelerate the corrosion of the ventilating brick.

Ny sehatry ny biriky ny biriky azo zahana amin’ny rivotra dia mifandray amin’ny alim-by sy vy anidina mandritra ny fotoana maharitra. Ny sombin-vy sy vy vy anidina dia misy oksida vy, oksida ferrous, oksida manganese, oksida manezioma, silikôida oksizenina, sns. akora mitsonika (toy ny FeO · Al2O3, 2 (MnO) · SiO2 · Al2O3, sns) ary hosasana.
