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What causes damage to the ladle breathable brick?

What causes damage to the ladle breathable brick?

In the process of using ladle air-permeable bricks in steel factories, the main reasons for the damage of air-permeable bricks are thermal stress, mechanical stress, mechanical abrasion, and chemical erosion.

Iyo yemhepo-inokwenenzverwa zvidhinha ine zvikamu zviviri: mweya-inokwenenzverwa musimboti uye mweya-inobvumidzwa chigaro chigaro. Kana iyo yepasi ichivhuvhuta gasi yakavhurwa, iyo inoshanda nzvimbo yemhepo-inokwenenzverwa musimboti inonongedzera zvakananga kune yakakwira-tembiricha yakanyungudutswa simbi. Sezvo huwandu hwenguva dzekushandisa hunowedzera, nekuda kwekukurumidza kupisa uye kutonhora kwainogamuchira, kudzika kwekukora kwenzvimbo yezvidhinha zvinofefetera kunenge kuri, uye zviri nyore kuburitsa kutsemuka.

Iyo yekushandira pamusoro pezasi yemhepo-inokwenenzverwa zvidhinha iri yakanangana neiyo yepamusoro-tembiricha yakanyungudutswa simbi, uye tembiricha yenzvimbo isiri kushanda iri shoma. Huwandu hwedenga-rinokwanisika zvidhinha uye padyo zvinokanganisa zvinhu zvinoshanduka nekuda kwekuchinja kwetembiricha panguva yekudzokorodza maitiro esimbi kujoina, kudira, uye kupisa kupisa. Iko kushanduka kwevhoriyamu, nekuda kwekuvapo kweiyo tembiricha gradient uye musiyano wekupisa kwekuwedzera coefficient pakati pe metamorphic layer uye yepakutanga rukoko, mwero wevhoriyamu shanduko kubva pakushanda pamusoro peiyo ventilating zvidhinha kune isiri-kushanda nzvimbo inoshanduka zvishoma nezvishoma, izvo zvinokonzeresa kuveura kwedenga remhepo. Simba rekucheka rinokonzeresa kuti chidhinha chive nemhepo kutsemuka munzira, uye muzviitiko zvakakomba, chidhiraivhiro chinopwanyika nenzira inopinduka.

During the tapping process, the molten steel will have a high-strength scouring of the bottom of the ladle, which will accelerate the erosion of the air-permeable brick. When the upper surface of the breathable brick is higher than the bottom of the bag, it will be sheared and washed by the flow of molten steel. The part higher than the bottom of the bag will generally be washed away after one use. In addition, after refining, if the valve is quickly closed, the reverse impact of molten steel will also accelerate the corrosion of the ventilating brick.

Nzvimbo yekushandira yemweya-inokwanisika yezvidhinha yakakombana nesimbi slag nesimbi yakanyungudika kwenguva yakareba. Iyo simbi slag nesimbi yakanyungudutswa ine iron oxide, ferrous oxide, manganese oxide, magnesium oxide, silicon oxide, nezvimwewo, nepo izvo zvinhu zvemweya-zvinokwanisika zvidhinha zvinosanganisira alumina, silicon oxide, nezvimwewo. zvinhu zvinonyungudika (senge FeO · Al2O3, 2 (MnO) · SiO2 · Al2O3, nezvimwewo) uye zvoshambidzwa.
