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Integrated kutentha kutengerapo mfundo mkati mwa muffle ng’anjo

Integrated kutentha kutengerapo mfundo mkati mwa muffle ng’anjo

In the heat exchange of the muffle furnace, it is usually divided into at least three different temperature zones: furnace gas, furnace wall and heated metal. Among them, the temperature Z of the furnace gas is high; the temperature of the furnace wall is second; the temperature of the heated metal Z is low. In this way, between the furnace and the furnace wall, between the furnace gas and the metal, and between the furnace wall and the metal, heat exchange is carried out in the form of radiation and convection, and there is also heat loss due to the heat conduction of the furnace wall (the The heat loss also has a certain influence on the heat exchange in the furnace).

1. Kutentha kwa kutentha kwa mpweya wa ng’anjo ku chitsulo Pambuyo pa kutentha komwe kumatulutsidwa ndi mpweya wa ng’anjo kumasamutsidwa ku khoma la ng’anjo ndi pamwamba pa chitsulo, mbali yake imakopeka ndipo gawo lina likuwonekera mmbuyo. Kutentha kowonekera kuyenera kudutsa mu gasi wa ng’anjo yomwe imadzaza ng’anjoyo, yomwe mbali yake imatengedwa ndi mpweya wa ng’anjo, ndipo mbali yotsalayo imayatsidwa ndi khoma la ng’anjo kapena chitsulo, ndipo imawotchedwa mobwerezabwereza.

2. Convective kutentha kutumiza kwa ng’anjo mpweya ku zitsulo M’ng’anjo yomwe ilipo ya ng’anjo yamoto, kutentha kwa gasi wa ng’anjo nthawi zambiri kumakhala 800 ℃ ~ 1400 ℃. Pamene kutentha kwa mpweya wa ng’anjo kuli pafupi 800 ° C, zotsatira za ma radiation ndi convection zimakhala zofanana. Pamene kutentha kwa mpweya wa ng’anjo kuli pamwamba pa 800 ° C, kutentha kwa convective kumachepa, pamene kutentha kwa kutentha kumawonjezeka kwambiri. Mwachitsanzo, pamene kutentha kwa mpweya wa ng’anjo yotseguka mu mphero yachitsulo kufika pafupifupi 1800 ° C, gawo lowala lafika pafupifupi 95% ya kutentha kwa kutentha.

3. Kutentha kwa kutentha kwa mlengalenga kwa khoma la ng’anjo ndi denga la ng’anjo kuzitsulo ndizofanana ndi zam’mbuyomo, komanso zimabwerezedwanso ma radiation osatha. Kusiyana kwake ndikuti mkati mwa khoma la ng’anjo imatenganso kutentha m’njira yodutsa, ndipo kutentha kumeneku kumafalikirabe monyezimira.

Only when the internal heat transfer of the muffle furnace is uniform can the use effect of the muffle furnace be better. After reading the above content, you should understand the integrated heat transfer process inside the muffle furnace.

