- 13
- Apr
Cold rolling mill working principle
Cold rolling mill working principle
The cold rolling mill is composed of a working mechanism and a transmission mechanism. among them:
1 The working mechanism consists of a frame, a roll, a roll bearing, a roll adjusting mechanism, a guiding device, and a rolling stand.
2 The transmission mechanism consists of a gear base, a reducer, a roller, a coupling shaft, and a coupling.
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The cold rolling mill uses an electric motor to drag the steel bars, and the load rollers and the work rolls of the cold rolling mill jointly apply a force to both faces of the steel bar. The purpose of rolling cold-rolled ribbed steel bars of different diameters is achieved by changing the size of the two roll gaps.
1 Bearing roller: The bearing roller of the cold rolling mill is the roller closest to the machine base. When the ribbed steel bar is produced, the roller plays the role of lifting the steel bar, and the gravity of the steel bar and the working gravity of the work roller are even. Dispersed on the load-bearing roller, causing ribs on the lower surface of the steel bar.
2Working roller: The working roller of the cold rolling mill is above the bearing roller, which is the farthest from the base. Therefore, the roller mainly plays the role of rolling the steel bar lifted by the bearing roller when producing the ribbed steel bar. So that the upper surface of the steel bar is ribbed.
1 Check whether the electrical system of the cold rolling mill is normal before starting each shift;
2 and check whether the oil level of each fuel tank is normal;
3 Whether the oil filling parts are oiled;
4 Whether the parent material feed is reasonable;
5 After checking the above matters;
6 The electrical parts of the cold rolling mill should always clean the dust;
7 Exercise parts should always check whether the fastening is loose and reasonable.
8 cold rolling mill in the production process, can not be used beyond the limit, so as not to cause damage to some mechanical parts of the cold rolling mill, should be rolled according to rolling standards, in order to ensure the safe use of cold rolling mill equipment and product qualification.