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Процесс печи с футеровкой из глинозема повлияет на срок службы индукционной печи.

Процесс печи с футеровкой из глинозема повлияет на срок службы индукционной печи.

The oven is the process of obtaining a sintered layer for the alumina lining material. The quality of the sintered layer directly affects the service life of the furnace, and the oven is an important link.

After the oven cavity is built, the oven should be dried immediately; before the oven, check whether the electrical equipment and cooling water system are normal; the oven must be carried out in strict accordance with the oven process. The oven process is the key factor in the oven process, the specific points:

① It is necessary to control the heating speed, especially in the early stage of the oven. If the heating speed is too fast and the moisture in the furnace lining is discharged too fast, cracks are easily formed, which greatly shortens the life of the furnace.

②When the furnace lining is heated to 573°C, the quartz will expand too fast during the phase transition process, which will easily cause cracks or even peeling. Therefore, the heating speed should be slowed down when heated from 400°C to 600°C, and the temperature should be kept for 1h~2h at 870°C. , So that it can slowly and completely phase change.

③Печь. Последний этап – спекание и выдержка. Температура спекания зависит от конкретного огнеупорного материала. Как правило, предполагается, что может быть получен спеченный слой толщиной 30% от толщины футеровки. Поэтому температура спекания обычно на 50-100 ℃ выше, чем температура выпуска.