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මයිකා පුවරුව සඳහා නිවැරදි සංරක්ෂණ ක්රම මොනවාද?

What are the correct preservation methods for මයිකා පුවරුව

1. The storage temperature should be stored in a dry and clean warehouse where the temperature does not exceed 35℃, and not near fire, heating and direct sunlight. If it is in an environment with a temperature lower than 10°C, it should be placed indoors at a temperature of 11-35°C for at least 24 hours before use.

2. Please keep the relative humidity of the storage environment below 70% to prevent moisture.

3. හැසිරවීමේදී සහ ප්‍රවාහනයේදී යාන්ත්‍රික හානි, තෙතමනය සහ සෘජු හිරු එළිය වැළැක්වීම.

  1. Before cutting and stamping the mica board, the workbench, mold and machine must be cleaned to prevent impurities such as iron filings and oil stains from polluting the mica board.