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Learn what the insulating material mica board is made of

Learn what the insulating material mica board is made of

Hlavná zložka insulating material mica board is mica. Mica is a rock-forming mineral with a hexagonal flaky crystal shape. The characteristics are insulation, high temperature resistance, and sericite is widely used in industry, which is widely used in coatings, paints, electrical insulation and other industries.


Sľuda je všeobecný názov pre minerály zo skupiny sľudy. Je to hlinitokremičitan kovov, ako je draslík, hliník, horčík, železo a lítium. Všetko sú to vrstvené štruktúry a monoklinické systémy. Kryštály sú vo forme pseudo-šesťuholníkových vločiek alebo doštičiek, občas stĺpcovité.


The layered cleavage is very complete, with glassy luster, and the sheet has elasticity. The refractive index of mica increases correspondingly with the increase of iron content, and can range from low positive protrusions to middle positive protrusions. The variant without iron is colorless in the flakes. The higher the iron content, the darker the color, and the pleochroism and absorption are enhanced.


Mica has many physical and chemical properties, such as its better high temperature resistance, heat insulation, toughness, etc., so its processed mica board, which is mostly used as insulation material for electrical equipment, is made of mica. The finished mica board is not only used in electrical insulation, but also widely used in chemical industries such as building materials, plastics, and rubber.


Muscovite is most used in industry, followed by phlogopite, which is widely used in chemical industries such as building materials industry, fire fighting industry, fire extinguishing agent, welding rod, plastics, electrical insulation, papermaking, asphalt paper, rubber, pearlescent pigments, etc.


Sľudová doska Za normálnych okolností dosahuje obsah sľudy v sľudovej doske asi 90 % a zvyšných 10 % zvyčajne tvorí lepidlo a iné lepidlá. Tvrdá sľudová doska, ktorú vyrábame, znesie v dlhodobom bežnom pracovnom prostredí teplotu 500 stupňov Celzia, krátkodobo znesie aj vysokú teplotu 850 stupňov Celzia;


Navyše, náš flogopit môže pracovať v priemernom prostredí 1000 stupňov Celzia a je obľúbenejší, pretože jeho odolnosť voči poruchám patrí medzi produkty*.