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How to correctly select inverter components for induction melting furnace

Ako správne vybrať komponenty meniča pre indukčná taviaca pec

Generally, under working conditions above 400HZ, KK devices should be considered; when the frequency is above 4KHz, KA devices can be considered. Here we mainly introduce the selection of components in the parallel inverter circuit (see Figure 1).


(1) Špičkové napätie komponentu VDRM vpred a vzad, dopredné a spätné špičkové napätie komponentu VRRM by malo byť 1.5-2-násobok skutočného maximálneho špičkového napätia vpred a vzad. Za predpokladu, že vstupné jednosmerné napätie meniča je Ud a účinník je cosψ, potom:


(2) The rated on-state current IT (AV) of the component takes into account that when the component works at a higher frequency, its switching loss is very significant. The rated on-state current of the component should flow 2-3 times its effective value I according to the actual To consider, namely


Za predpokladu, že vstupný prúd jednosmerného prúdu meniča je Id, zvolené zariadenie IT(AV) je


(3) Čas vypnutia tq V paralelnom invertorovom obvode by mal byť čas vypnutia prvku KK zvolený podľa času pred spustením tf a času komutácie tr. Vo všeobecnosti vezmite:


(When the power factor is 0.8, tf is about one-tenth of the period, tr is determined by the element di/dt less than or equal to 100A/μS) When the frequency is high, the commutation time tr can be reduced and appropriately sacrificed The method of power factor increase tf to select components with appropriate tq value