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Ndeapi marudzi ezvidhinha zvinofema anowanzo kukamurwa kuita?

Ndeapi marudzi e zvidhinha zvinofema inowanzokamurwa kuita?

Zvidhinha zvinofema hupenyu Hurefu uye mamwe maitiro.

1. Ladle air-permeable brick: This is a high-strength air-permeable brick with extremely strong compression resistance! Ladle air-permeable brick is produced by using a ladle argon blowing process. The penetration of molten steel is often relatively small, so the ladle air-permeable brick The standard for the comparison of external dimensions has a certain degree of standardization. In addition, the ladle air-permeable bricks can be divided into diffused-type ladle air-permeable bricks, straight-through directional-type ladle air-permeable bricks and slit-oriented ladle air-permeable bricks according to the different ventilation channels of the air-permeable bricks.

2. Vira remoto rezasi rinokwanisika nemoto: Icho chidhinha chinowanda mweya. Nekuti inonyanya kushandiswa muchoto chezasi, ine yakasimba tembiricha yekudzivirira.