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Waa maxay noocyada lebenka neefsiga ah ee badanaa loo qaybiyo?

Waa maxay noocyada lebenkii neefsashada badiyaa loo qaybiyaa?

Leben neefsanaya: Waa badeecad cusub oo leh cimri dheer, keydinta tamarta iyo yareynta isticmaalka, oo leh qaab dhismeed macquul ah, xasilooni wanaagsan oo kuleyl leh, iska caabinta nabaad guurka, iska caabinta nabaad guurka, iyo iska caabbinta dulinka nolosha Dheer iyo sifooyin kale.

1. Ladle air-permeable brick: This is a high-strength air-permeable brick with extremely strong compression resistance! Ladle air-permeable brick is produced by using a ladle argon blowing process. The penetration of molten steel is often relatively small, so the ladle air-permeable brick The standard for the comparison of external dimensions has a certain degree of standardization. In addition, the ladle air-permeable bricks can be divided into diffused-type ladle air-permeable bricks, straight-through directional-type ladle air-permeable bricks and slit-oriented ladle air-permeable bricks according to the different ventilation channels of the air-permeable bricks.

2. Foornada hoosteeda leben hawo-mareenka ah: Waa leben hawo-mareen ah oo caadi ah. Sababtoo ah waxaa inta badan loo adeegsadaa xagga hoose ee foornada, waxay leedahay iska caabin heerkulka sare oo xoog leh.