- 31
- Dec
Nafas oladigan g’ishtlar odatda qanday turlarga bo’linadi?
Qaysi turlari nafas oladigan g’isht odatda bo’linadi?
Nafas oladigan g’isht: bu uzoq umr ko’rish, energiya tejash va iste’molni qisqartirish, strukturaning oqilona dizayni, yaxshi termal stabilligi, eroziyaga chidamliligi, eroziyaga chidamliligi va o’tkazuvchanlik qarshiligi, yuqori o’tkazuvchanlik tezligi, xavfsiz va ishonchli ishlashi va xizmat ko’rsatadigan yangi mahsulot. umr ko’rish va boshqa xususiyatlar.
1. Ladle air-permeable brick: This is a high-strength air-permeable brick with extremely strong compression resistance! Ladle air-permeable brick is produced by using a ladle argon blowing process. The penetration of molten steel is often relatively small, so the ladle air-permeable brick The standard for the comparison of external dimensions has a certain degree of standardization. In addition, the ladle air-permeable bricks can be divided into diffused-type ladle air-permeable bricks, straight-through directional-type ladle air-permeable bricks and slit-oriented ladle air-permeable bricks according to the different ventilation channels of the air-permeable bricks.
2. Olovli pastki havo o’tkazuvchi g’isht: Bu nisbatan keng tarqalgan havo o’tkazuvchi g’ishtdir. U asosan o’choq tagida ishlatilgani uchun kuchli yuqori harorat qarshiligiga ega.