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Improved method of metal melting furnace

Improved method of furrën e shkrirjes së metalit

Problems and Improvements of Capacitor Insulation in Metal Melting Furnace

The reason for the problem of the capacitor in the metal melting furnace is: the capacitor in the original manufacturer’s capacitor cabinet uses a 10mm thick, 10cm long\5cm wide bakelite board to isolate and insulate the lower bracket iron plate. When the water pipe on the capacitor has a problem, the water will destroy the capacitor. Connecting to the iron plate causes a short circuit (because the insulating plate and the iron frame are only 10mm), which causes the capacitor to leak oil, sparking, and overcurrent protection. After research and exploration, I removed the original manufacturer’s 10mm thick bakelite board and replaced it with 4 2-inch square bakelite boards. All 8 capacitors were supported, which completely solved the problem of capacitor cooling water leakage caused by ground insulation and burned capacitors. , Each furnace saves several capacitors per year, and at the same time ensures the normal operation of the metal melting furnace.