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What is the cause of the low temperature of the muffle furnace

What is the cause of the low temperature of the muffle o’chog’i

Elektr pechining harorati ko’rsatkichi past bo’lsa, muffle pechidan foydalanuvchi nima qilishi kerak? Buning sababi nimada? Bu muammoning yechimi bormi? Ushbu qator muammolar uchun Huarong muharriri sizga aytadiki, bu vaziyatni hal qilish oson.

Keling, avval mufel pechining past haroratining sababini tahlil qilaylik:

1. Termojuftning mos yozuvlar terminalining harorati juda yuqori bo’lishi mumkin.

2. Termojuft elektrodining oqishi yoki yomonlashishi.

3. Termojuftni o’lchash pozitsiyasi juda uzoqda.

4. Kompensatsiya simi va termojuft teskari ulangan yoki mos kelmaydigan, yoki izolyatsiya kamayadi. Asosan bu to’rtta sabab.

Sabablarini bilganimizdan so’ng, biz har bir sabab uchun echimlarni shakllantirishni boshladik.

1-sabab: Harorat talablariga javob berish uchun mos yozuvlar uchining haroratini tekshiring.

2-sabab: Termojuft elektrodining ulanish simini tekshiring, agar qochqin bo’lsa, mufel pechining ulanish simini almashtirishingiz kerak. Agar elektrod yomonlashgan bo’lsa, uni yangi va bir xil termojuft bilan almashtirish kerak.

3-sabab: Termojuftning o’lchash joyini o’lchangan harorat qiymati aniq bo’lguncha sozlang.

Reason 4. Compensation wire, if the muffle furnace wire is connected reversely, just correct it. If it is not matched or the insulation is reduced, then a new compensating wire must be replaced.

From the above, we can see that when the high-temperature muffle furnace fails, let’s not panic. First turn off the power supply of the electric furnace, and then analyze the cause of the failure. After finding the cause, we can seek the correct solution.