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Introduction to the performance of breathable bricks

Introduction to the performance of breathable bricks

Breathable brick is a new product with long lifespan, energy saving and consumption reduction, with reasonable structural design, good thermal stability, erosion resistance, erosion resistance, and permeability resistance, high blow-through rate, safe and reliable operation, and long service life Features.

Slag resistance

Ukuze kuphuculwe uxhathiso lwezixhobo ze-slag kunye nokumelana nokungena kwe-iron, i-Cr2O3 okanye inxenye ye-chromium corundum idla ngokudityaniswa kwi-corundum spinel izitena zomoya ezivumayo. I-Cr2O3 kunye ne-Al2O3 zinesakhiwo esifanayo sekristal. I-Cr2O3 ayiphuculi kuphela ukuxhathisa kwezinto ze-slag, kodwa ikwonyusa i-engile yokumanzisa phakathi kwezinto kunye nentsimbi etyhidiweyo, kwaye iphucula kakhulu ukucinywa kwemingxunya yezitena ezinokuphefumla ngenxa yokungena kwentsimbi etyhidiweyo.

Using Cr2O3 fine powder and Al2O3 at high temperature to form a solid solution of aluminum and chromium and an independent chromium-containing glass phase, the liquid phase formed when it comes into contact with the slag in the molten steel smelting process has a certain viscosity, thereby preventing the slag in the molten steel from affecting the air-permeable brick Corrosion; At the same time, it can absorb iron oxide and magnesium oxide in the slag, and form dense spinel in the working layer of the ventilating brick, which improves the slag resistance of the ventilating brick.

Nangona kunjalo, emva kokongeza i-Cr2O3 kwimathiriyeli, emva kokudubula okushushu okanye ukusetyenziswa, i-Cr3 + ifakwe ioksijini kwi-Cr6 +, enetyhefu kwaye ingcolisa indalo. Ke ngoko, kulondolozo lwamandla kunye nokukhuselwa kwendalo esingqongileyo, ukusetyenziswa kweCr2O3 kufuneka kuthintelwe kangangoko kunokwenzeka, kwaye ngokubuyisela izinto ezingasetyenziswanga, ukusebenza kobushushu obuphezulu ngaphandle kokongeza iCr2O3 kunokufikelela kwinqanaba lokongeza iCr2O3.

Ukumelana ukothuka Thermal

The main damage method of air-permeable bricks is thermal shock damage. With the continuous increase of the tapping temperature, there is a large temperature difference between working and intermittent work on the working surface of the ventilating brick, which requires the material to have extremely high thermal shock resistance. The spinel phase is introduced into the castable, and the thermal shock resistance of the air-permeable brick will be improved.

I-oxide okanye i-non-oxide eyongezwe kwisitena somoya esenza isisombululo esomeleleyo ngesixa sobushushu obuphezulu, inyusa ubushushu obuphezulu besitena, iphucula ukuthamba kwesitena, kwaye iyakwala ukukhukuliseka kwesitena esingena umoya I-slag etyhidiweyo kwiladi. Emva konyango olushushu lobushushu kwisitena esinokungena emoyeni, ukusebenza kwaso kuyaphuculwa ukuhlangabezana neemfuno zokusetyenziswa.