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What are the main features of the vertical caster ?


What are the main features of the vertical caster ?

The main features of the vertical caster are:

1 The main equipment of the casting machine is arranged on the vertical center line, from the pouring of molten steel to the cutting of the casting blank, and the whole process is completed in a vertical position. The slab is sent to the ground by a lift or conveyor after being cut into length.

2 From the process point of view, the molten steel is gradually crystallized in the vertical crystallizer and the second cooling section, which is beneficial to the floating of non-metallic inclusions in the molten steel, and the cooling of the shell is relatively uniform, which is advantageous for casting high-quality steel and alloy steel. In addition, the slab is not subjected to any bending or straightening action throughout the solidification process, and is more suitable for casting of steel grades with high crack sensitivity.

3 vertical continuous casting machine equipment is high, construction cost is large, equipment maintenance and casting blank transportation are more difficult. The cast slab with a thickness of about 200 mm is cast, and the total height of the caster can reach 25 to 35 m . From the technical point of view, the slab is mainly due to the large static pressure of the molten steel and the deformation of the drum belly. These are the main disadvantages of the vertical continuous casting machine.

Vertical continuous casting machines can be divided into two types: overhead type and pit type. The so-called overhead type is that the continuous casting machine is built on the ground, and the pit type is built under the ground. In order to reduce the difficulty of construction of the pit, the general vertical continuous casting machine is built on the ground, and a small half is built underground. It is called semi-high-rise or semi-ground pit.