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Gear quenching equipment, why should the gear be quenched?

Gear quenching equipment, why should the gear be quenched?

1. ማርሽ ማጥፊያ is to greatly improve the rigidity, hardness, wear resistance, fatigue strength and toughness of steel, so as to meet the different use requirements of various mechanical parts and tools.

2. The quenching of steel is to heat the steel to a temperature above the critical temperature Ac3 (hypoeutectoid steel) or Ac1 (hypereutectoid steel), hold it for a period of time to make it fully or partially austenitized, and then at a rate greater than the critical cooling rate The cooling rate is quickly cooled to below Ms (or isothermal near Ms) for the heat treatment process of martensite (or bainite) transformation. Usually, the solution treatment of aluminum alloy, copper alloy, titanium alloy, tempered glass and other materials or the heat treatment process with rapid cooling process is called quenching.

3. There are mechanical elements on the wheel flange that can continuously mesh and transmit motion and power. The application of gears in transmission appeared very early. At the end of the 19th century, the principle of the generative gear cutting method and the special machine tools and tools that used this principle to cut gear appeared one after another. With the development of production, the smoothness of gear operation has been paid attention to.