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What principles should customers follow when buying a chiller

What principles should customers follow when buying a chiller

1. First, it is necessary to clarify what equipment to cool down. The chiller has a wide range of applications, involving all walks of life, and generally common refrigeration functions can be met. However, for companies with temperature requirements of -10°C and below, it is best to choose a dedicated low-temperature chiller to achieve temperature requirements; or It is a special chemical industry, it is safer to choose an explosion-proof chiller; for the electroplating industry, it is more durable to choose an acid and alkali-resistant chiller; therefore, only special machines can achieve better results.

2. Pilih chiller kanthi kualitas sing bisa dipercaya. Sanajan tingkat gagal chiller kurang, isih ana kemungkinan gagal, mula kinerja lan kualitas peralatan chiller penting banget. Peralatan chiller sing hemat biaya mung kudu dijaga kanthi becik sajrone kerja normal, minimalake tambahan peralatan, lan bisa nyuda biaya kegagalan. Ing babagan iki, kudu luwih milih merek mewah lan kondhang ing pasar.

3. Pay manungsa waé kanggo layanan sawise-sales. Apa peralatan chiller utawa peralatan kulkasan liyane, layanan purna jual minangka bagean penting sing kudu dipikirake nalika tuku. Nalika njamin merek, komitmen layanan sawise-sales uga kudu dipikirake. Prioritas bakal diwenehake marang pabrikan sing duwe komitmen apik marang layanan purna jual. Yen ana kegagalan peralatan, kelangan perusahaan bisa diminimalake. Komitmen layanan sawise-sales bisa nuduhake evaluasi pasar lan istilah pabrikan.

4. Ing kahanan fungsi lan rega sing padha, coba pilih pendingin industri sing gampang dioperasikake, gampang didandani, lan gampang dijaga. Iki ora mung bisa nambah efisiensi kerja, nanging uga nyuda intensitas tenaga kerja operator lan nyuda biaya pelatihan sing cocog.

5. When choosing a chiller, we must communicate with the manufacturer whether it is necessary to install and debug on-site. Generally speaking, in order to save installation costs, there is no need for personnel to install and debug on-site. Like the chiller produced by Dongyuejin, we provide chiller installation. The drawings can be installed by customers themselves, which is simple and convenient, saving customers’ costs.