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What principles should customers follow when buying a chiller

What principles should customers follow when buying a chiller

1. First, it is necessary to clarify what equipment to cool down. The 冷水機 has a wide range of applications, involving all walks of life, and generally common refrigeration functions can be met. However, for companies with temperature requirements of -10°C and below, it is best to choose a dedicated low-temperature chiller to achieve temperature requirements; or It is a special chemical industry, it is safer to choose an explosion-proof chiller; for the electroplating industry, it is more durable to choose an acid and alkali-resistant chiller; therefore, only special machines can achieve better results.

2、選擇質量可靠的冷水機。 冷水機的故障率雖然低,但還是有出現故障的可能,所以冷水機設備的性能和質量就顯得尤為重要。 高性價比的冷水機設備只需要在正常工作時進行良好的維護,最大限度地減少設備的額外磨損,並可以最大限度地減少故障成本。 對此,有必要選擇市場上更高端、知名度更高的品牌。

3、注重售後服務。 無論是冷水機設備還是其他製冷設備,售後服務都是購買時應該考慮的重要部分。 在保證品牌的同時,還要考慮售後服務的承諾。 對售後服務有良好承諾的廠家將優先考慮。 一旦發生設備故障,可以將企業的損失降到最低。 售後服務承諾可參考市場評價及廠家條款。

4、在功能和價格相同的情況下,盡量選擇操作簡單、維修簡單、維護方便的工業冷水機。 這樣不僅可以提高工作效率,還可以減輕操作人員的勞動強度,降低相應的培訓成本。

5. When choosing a chiller, we must communicate with the manufacturer whether it is necessary to install and debug on-site. Generally speaking, in order to save installation costs, there is no need for personnel to install and debug on-site. Like the chiller produced by Dongyuejin, we provide chiller installation. The drawings can be installed by customers themselves, which is simple and convenient, saving customers’ costs.