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What principles should customers follow when buying a chiller

What principles should customers follow when buying a chiller

1. First, it is necessary to clarify what equipment to cool down. The chiller has a wide range of applications, involving all walks of life, and generally common refrigeration functions can be met. However, for companies with temperature requirements of -10°C and below, it is best to choose a dedicated low-temperature chiller to achieve temperature requirements; or It is a special chemical industry, it is safer to choose an explosion-proof chiller; for the electroplating industry, it is more durable to choose an acid and alkali-resistant chiller; therefore, only special machines can achieve better results.

2. Pilih chiller kalayan kualitas anu dipercaya. Sanaos tingkat kagagalan chiller kirang, masih aya kamungkinan gagal, janten kinerja sareng kualitas alat chiller penting pisan. Alat-alat chiller anu épéktip biaya ngan ukur kedah dijaga kalayan saé nalika damel normal, ngaleutikan tambahan pakéanna, sareng tiasa ngirangan biaya kagagalan. Dina hubungan ieu, perlu milih mérek anu langkung luhur sareng terkenal di pasar.

3. Nengetan jasa saatos-penjualan. Naha éta alat chiller atanapi peralatan kulkas anu sanés, layanan purna jual mangrupikeun bagian penting anu kedah diperhatoskeun nalika ngagaleuh. Sedengkeun ngajamin mérekna, komitmen jasa purna jual ogé kedah diperhatoskeun. Prioritas bakal dipasihkeun ka pabrik anu ngagaduhan komitmen anu saé pikeun jasa purna jual. Upami aya kagagalan peralatan, leungitna perusahaan tiasa diminimalkeun. Komitmen jasa saatos-penjualan tiasa ningali ka évaluasi pasar sareng istilah pabrikan.

4. Dina kaayaan fungsi sareng harga anu sami, cobi pilih alat pendingin industri anu gampang dioperasikeun, saderhana diropea, sareng gampang dijaga. Ieu henteu ngan ukur tiasa ningkatkeun efisiensi damel, tapi ogé ngirangan intensitas kuli operator sareng ngirangan biaya pelatihan anu saluyu.

5. When choosing a chiller, we must communicate with the manufacturer whether it is necessary to install and debug on-site. Generally speaking, in order to save installation costs, there is no need for personnel to install and debug on-site. Like the chiller produced by Dongyuejin, we provide chiller installation. The drawings can be installed by customers themselves, which is simple and convenient, saving customers’ costs.