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Induction inonyungudutsa choto chekugadzirisa chekuongorora

Induction inonyungudutsa choto chekugadzirisa chekuongorora

Kukanganisa nzvimbo Kutadza kuita Reasons and inspection methods mhinduro
Breaker failure 1. Pakuvhara, pane ruzha rwekuvhura panguva imwe chete 1. Mutsara wechikamu chetatu-chikamu chipfupi-chinotenderera uye hachigoni kuvharwa (kazhinji chinokonzerwa nekupisa kwe thyristor) 1. Dzorera thyristor uye chengetedza pfupi pfupi
2. Edza kuti mugumo wepamusoro weparadzi wedunhu une magetsi uye iyo yakaderera haina magetsi 2. The undervoltage release is burned out or not closed 2. Kuti uone kuti midziyo haina kupfupika-inotenderera, unogona kutanga waisunga netambo kuti isakwanise kubounce.
3. Hapana mhinduro uye hapana inzwi kana simba richikwira 3. Iyo shunt coil inogara yakavharwa, tarisa kana coil yekuvhura ine simba kana ichivhara 3. Unogona kubvisa shinda kune imwe mugumo wekoiri kutanga, shandisa kuvhura kwemakanika, uye wozotarisa dunhu mushure mekunge kugadzirwa kwapera.
  4. Thermal relay kukundikana kana chiito 4. Unogona kubvisa materminals maviri erelay kutanga, uye tarisa mushure mekugadzirwa kwapera
  5. Mechanical kukundikana 5. Ona kana inogona kuvharwa nemaoko, uye tarisa mushure mekugadzirwa
Inouya mutsara inductance 1. Kufamba kunokonzerwa nekupfupika kwedunhu uye kupisa kweinductor 1. Observe whether the inductor is sparking, or the distance between the turns of the coil is close 1. Gogodzai makoiri ari pedyo nemumwe, uye isa zvinhu zvinodzivirira kuti zviparadzanise
2. Kusvira KP thyristor zvichikonzerwa nekutenderera kushoma 2. Tarisa nhamba yemakoiri ekutendeuka kuti uone kana mashoma 2. Tsiva huru inductance coil nenguva
KP thyristor ye12- pulse rectifier tambo 1. Iyo miviri-nhanho DC voltage ine yakakura isina kusimba swing, uye inverter haigone kutangwa 1. Tarisa kana rectifier voltage yakaenzana resistor yakakuvadzwa 1. Tsiva voltage yakaenzana resistor, uye kana ichiri kutenderera, unogona kusanganisa maviri mabhiriji anopikisa kuita zambuko rimwe.
2. Ona KP SCR 2. Check whether the rectifier and anti-parallel diode is damaged 2. Dzorera diode
KP SCR 1. The circuit breaker cannot be closed (top circuit breaker) 1. Tarisa kuti KP SCR yakatsva here 1. Tsiva thyristor
2. Cannot start 2. Check whether the KP thyristor pulse lamps are all on and the brightness is the same 2. The brightness is not the same, by reason of 3 , . 4 bar checking is
3. Ruzha runonzwika kana simba rawedzerwa 3. Tarisa kana SCR yedunhu yakajairika 3. Waya mbiri dzinogona kubatanidzwa kwekutanga, uye waya dzinogona kutariswa mushure mekugadzirwa kwapera.
  4. Tarisa kana kupikisa pakati pekugadzirisa SCR G neK kwakajairika (kazhinji 10-25R), kana isiri yemazuva ose, tarisa kana iri dambudziko remutsara kana SCR dambudziko. 4. Ramba uchienda kuChikamu chechitatu chezvinetso zvedunhu, uye dambudziko reSCR rinofanira kutsiviwa
Air core reactor 1. Nekuda kweiyo diki inductance inodiwa kune akatevedzana reactor, hollow inductors anowanzo shandiswa, izvo zvinoderedza huremu uye vhoriyamu, uye inoderedza mutengo wekugadzirisa, nekuti chinhambwe chiri pakati pekoiri inotendeuka chakareba uye mhangura chubhu madziro ukobvu haakonzerese kupisa. uye kubuda kwemvura. Phenomenon
Reactor ine iron core 1. Mhepo yekubatidza 1. Edza kana kushorwa kwemhete yemhangura yereactor uye nheyo yesimbi ipfupi-inotenderera (apo mutsara uri 380V, kushorwa kunofanira kuva kukuru kupfuura 1K) 1. Disassemble the reactor to check which coil is short-circuited, and repair or replace it
2. Cannot start 2. Observe whether there is water leakage in the reactor 2. Disassemble the reactor to check which coil is leaking for repair or replacement
3. Trip when the power is increased when it can be started 3. Deredza chiedza chemukati kuti uone kana pane chiitiko chemoto 3. If there are no accessories temporarily and the reactor has many turns, the broken coil can be removed without affecting the operation of the machine, and it can be temporarily operated until the end of production