- 24
- Nov
Beda antara papan orat epoxy G11 sareng papan orat epoxy G10
Beda antara G11 epoxy papan orat jeung G10 epoxy papan orat
Papan serat kaca epoxy ogé ngagaduhan seueur bahan. Ieu mangrupakeun produk rengse dijieun ku pemanasan sarta mencét kalayan lawon serat kaca jeung résin epoxy. Kalolobaan waktu, papan serat kaca epoxy konéng 3240 epoxy dewan serat kaca, G10 kinerja epoxy Komposisi dewan orat jeung G11 epoxy orat dewan.
Komposisi dewan serat gelas epoxy G10: Dijieunna tina lawon serat gelas alkali-gratis kelas éléktronik anu diimpor sareng résin epoxy impor, sareng retardant seuneu anu diimpor, napel sareng aditif sanésna ditambah; eta diolah ku precision panas mencét.
Kinerja papan serat kaca epoxy G10: kelas retardant seuneu UL94-VO, sipat mékanis anu saé dina suhu anu luhur, kinerja pamrosésan anu saé sareng kinerja insulasi.
Aplikasi: Dipaké salaku insulating bagian struktural dina motor jeung alat listrik, kayaning breakers circuit, switch cabinets, trafo, motor DC, AC contactors, ledakan-bukti panerapan listrik sarta panerapan listrik lianna.
Saatos ngartos papan serat gelas epoxy G10, hayu urang tingali katerangan kinerja anu aya hubunganana sareng papan serat gelas epoxy G11:
Karakteristik aplikasi papan serat kaca epoxy G11:
One: Various forms. Various resins, curing agents, and modifier systems can almost adapt to the requirements of various applications on the form, which can range from very low viscosity to high melting point solids;
Second: Convenient curing. Choose a variety of different curing agents, the epoxy resin system can almost be cured in the temperature range of 0 ~ 180 ℃;
Third: strong adhesion. The inherent polar hydroxyl groups and ether bonds in the molecular chain of epoxy resins make it highly adhesive to various substances. The shrinkage of epoxy resin is low when curing, and the internal stress generated is small, which also helps to improve the adhesion strength;
Kaopat: low contractility. Réaksi antara résin epoksi jeung agén curing anu dipaké dilumangsungkeun ku réaksi tambahan langsung atawa réaksi polimérisasi ring-bukaan gugus epoxy dina molekul résin, sarta euweuh cai atawa volatile produk samping lianna dileupaskeun. Dibandingkeun jeung résin poliéster teu jenuh jeung résin phenolic, aranjeunna némbongkeun shrinkage pisan low (kirang ti 2%) salila prosés curing; kalima: sipat mékanis. Sistim résin epoxy kapok boga sipat mékanis alus teuing.
G11 epoxy glass fiber board composition: imported electrician’s alkali-free glass fiber cloth is impregnated with imported epoxy resin, and the corresponding imported flame retardant, adhesive and other additives are added; the cardboard-like insulating material is processed by hot pressing.
Kinerja papan serat gelas epoxy G11: sami sareng papan serat gelas epoxy G10.
Application: Insulating structural parts in motors and electrical equipment, which can be used in humid environments and transformer oil, high-voltage switch cabinets, high-voltage switches, etc.
Dua bahan gaduh komposisi sareng prosés produksi anu béda, ku kituna kinerjana ogé béda.