- 19
- Jan
Pipa gulungan serat kaca Epoxy
Pipa gulungan serat kaca Epoxy
Epoxy glass fiber winding pipe is made of uninterrupted fiber wet winding, specially developed for structural parts of high-voltage electrical equipment such as reactors, lightning arresters, fuses, transformers, on-load tap-changers, transformers, etc. The product performance parameters meet IEC standards Require.
Parameter dasar:
1: sudut pungkal, 45 ~ 65 (sudut pungkal bisa disaluyukeun nurutkeun sarat béda pikeun ngahontal sarat kinerja mékanis hadé);
2: Eusi serat (rasio beurat), 70~75%;
3: kapadetan, 2.00 g / cm3;
4: Laju nyerep cai, kirang ti 0.03%;
5: Axial koefisien ékspansi termal, 1.8 E-05 1/K;
6: Suhu transisi kaca, 110 ~ 120 ℃;
7: lalawanan kimiawi. minyak mineral: alus teuing;
8: Pangleyur jeung asam éncér: alus teuing;
9: modulus Tensile of élastisitas, axial 14000 MPa;
10: kakuatan Tensile; axial 280 MPa; circumferential 600 MPa;
11: kakuatan geser: 150 MPa;
12: kakuatan Flexural: 350 MPa arah axial;
13: kakuatan compressive: axial 240 MPa;
14: rélatif permitivitas 2-3.2;
15: Faktor leungitna diéléktrik 0.003-0.015;
16: kapasitas ngurangan parsial ≤5;
17: Kakuatan insulasi: axial 3 ~ 6 kV; radial 10 ~ 12 kV;
18: Dampak kilat: 110 KV
19: Kakuatan frékuénsi shock: 50 KV;
20: résistansi panas kelas: B, F, H kelas
21: diaméterna jero> 5mm; diaméterna luar <300mm; panjangna <2000mm.
The above data is for reference only, the casing parameters we produce are customized for each customer’s needs
Our products have been exported to the United States, Germany, South Korea, Japan, Europe, Russia and other countries.