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Epoksi shisha tolali o’rash trubkasi

Epoksi shisha tolali o’rash trubkasi

Epoxy glass fiber winding pipe is made of uninterrupted fiber wet winding, specially developed for structural parts of high-voltage electrical equipment such as reactors, lightning arresters, fuses, transformers, on-load tap-changers, transformers, etc. The product performance parameters meet IEC standards Require.

Asosiy parametrlar:

1: o’rash burchagi, 45~65 (o’rash burchagi yaxshi mexanik ishlash talablariga erishish uchun turli talablarga muvofiq sozlanishi mumkin);

2: tola miqdori (vazn nisbati), 70~75%;

3: Zichlik, 2.00 g/sm3;

4: Suvni yutish darajasi, 0.03% dan kam;

5: Eksenel termal kengayish koeffitsienti, 1.8 E-05 1/K;

6: Shisha o’tish harorati, 110 ~ 120 ℃;

7: Kimyoviy qarshilik. Mineral moy: ajoyib;

8: erituvchi va suyultirilgan kislota: mukammal;

9: Elastiklikning kuchlanish moduli, eksenel 14000 MPa;

10: kuchlanish kuchi; eksenel 280 MPa; aylana 600 MPa;

11: Kesish kuchi: 150 MPa;

12: egilish kuchi: eksenel yo’nalishda 350 MPa;

13: Bosim kuchi: eksenel 240 MPa;

14: Nisbiy o’tkazuvchanlik 2-3.2;

15: Dielektrik yo’qotish koeffitsienti 0.003-0.015;

16: Qisman tushirish quvvati ≤5;

17: Izolyatsiya quvvati: eksenel 3~6 kV; radial 10 ~ 12 kV;

18: Chaqmoq zarbasi: 110 KV

19: Quvvat chastotasi zarbasi: 50 KV;

20: Issiqlikka chidamlilik darajasi: B, F, H darajasi

21: ichki diametri>5 mm; tashqi diametri <300 mm; uzunligi <2000 mm.

The above data is for reference only, the casing parameters we produce are customized for each customer’s needs

Our products have been exported to the United States, Germany, South Korea, Japan, Europe, Russia and other countries.