- 20
- Jan
Precautions for the use of mica board
Precautions pikeun pamakéan dewan mika
1. Nalika nanganan sareng ngangkut, nyegah karusakan mékanis, Uap sareng sinar panonpoé langsung.
2. Pabrikan moal nanggungjawaban kanggo masalah kualitas anu disababkeun ku ngalanggar peraturan di luhur.
3. Sateuacan motong sareng nyabak papan mika, permukaan damel, kapang sareng mesin kedah dibersihkeun kanggo nyegah kokotor sapertos filings beusi sareng minyak tina polusi dewan mika.
4. Storage temperature: It should be stored in a dry and clean warehouse with a temperature not exceeding 35℃, and should not be near fire, heating and direct sunlight. If you are in an environment where the temperature is lower than 10°C, it should be placed in a room with a temperature of 11-35°C for at least 24 hours before use.
5. Storage humidity: Please keep the relative humidity of the storage environment below 70% to prevent the soft mica board from getting damp.