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Kütük üretim ekipmanları

Kütük üretim ekipmanları

The billet refers to the use of scrap steel as raw material, after being melted in an induction melting furnace, it is poured into a simple cast iron mold, and cast into a square steel with a length of about 1 meter and a size of 50mm. The mold used is generally a reusable iron mold. The cooled billet after pouring is heated by an intermediate frequency heating furnace, and then enters the rolling mill to be rolled into profiles such as steel bar, wire rod, flat steel, angle steel, etc. Below, we will introduce the billet production equipment and production process in detail.

Çelik kütük hurda çelikten yapılır ve haddelenmiş çelik ne herhangi bir analitik teste ne de sıcaklık gibi kalite kontrolüne tabi tutulur. Bu yöntemle ergitilen çeliğin %90’ından fazlası, devlet tarafından üretimi ve yok edilmesi yasaklanmış, modası geçmiş ürünler olan niteliksiz ürünlerdir. ürün. Ürün çapı, çekme mukavemeti vb. ulusal standartları karşılamamaktadır, ürünlerin çoğu kırılgan ve kırıktır ve kalitenin ciddi gizli tehlikeleri vardır.

Small billet production equipment generally uses a 1-ton intermediate frequency furnace to melt scrap steel, which can produce about ten tons of billets per day. After the billet is cooled, it is taken out from the steel mold, and the two ends are cut off with a cutting machine. After finishing, it is sent to the rolling mill for rolling.

The rolling mill then heats these billets in an intermediate frequency heating furnace and then feeds them into the rolling mill for rolling into wire rods or profiles.

Billet production equipment: intermediate frequency melting furnace, steel mold, rolling mill

Ara frekanslı fırının ısıtma gücü: 750Kw

Ara frekans fırınının gelen hat voltajı: 380V

Rated capacity of intermediate frequency furnace: 1000Kg

Mould: 45*45*1200mm

Değirmen: 6-yüksek değirmen