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1、鋼殼爐堅固耐用,美觀大方,特別是大容量爐體(鋼殼爐體一般推薦1.5-2噸以上),需要堅固的剛性結構。 從傾斜爐的安全角度考慮,應盡量選用鋼殼爐。



4. The steel shell furnace has a long service life, and aluminum is oxidized more seriously at high temperature, which causes fatigue of the metal’s toughness. At the foundry site, it is often seen that the shell of the aluminum shell furnace that has been used for about one year is in bad condition, and the steel shell furnace has a long service life than the aluminum shell furnace because of less magnetic flux leakage.

5、鋼殼爐的安全性能遠優於鋁殼爐。 鋁殼在熔煉過程中容易因高溫、重壓而變形,安全性較差。 鋼殼爐採用液壓傾爐,安全可靠。

6、鋼殼爐。 節能、高效、運行成本低:電爐熱效率不低於80%,比一般設備提高3-5%; 節電60多千瓦時。