- 29
- Nov
Round steel, steel bar quenching and tempering production line
Round steel, steel bar quenching and tempering production line
The round steel and steel rod quenching and tempering production line is professionally developed and produced by our company. Our products also include: steel rod quenching and tempering heat treatment production line, steel ball production line, billet heating and supplementary temperature production line, stainless steel pipe heating production line, induction heating forging heat treatment production line Equipment, metal heat treatment production line, etc., we welcome users from all over the world to come to consult with our dedicated service, and have a professional after-sales team to provide perfect service. We look forward to cooperating with users around the world!
The round steel and steel rod quenching and tempering production line produced according to the process requirements proposed by the customer selects high-performance and cost-effective solutions. The complete production line includes intermediate frequency heating equipment, mechanical conveying device, infrared temperature measuring device, closed water cooling system, and central control. Taiwan and so on.
Configuration and characteristics of round steel and steel bar heat treatment and quenching and tempering production line:
1. O’rta chastotali elektr ta’minoti
O’rta chastotali elektr ta’minotining to’liq nazorat qilish tizimi chet ellik import qilingan texnologiya tomonidan ishlab chiqariladi va chastotani avtomatik kuzatib borish va sozlash uchun doimiy teskari bosimli vaqt inverterini boshqarish usulini qo’llaydi. Uskunalar oqilona simlar va qattiq yig’ish texnologiyasiga ega va to’liq himoya tizimi, yuqori quvvat omili, qulay foydalanish va texnik xizmat ko’rsatish va yuqori ishonchlilik afzalliklariga ega.
2. Bosimli rollarda oziqlantiruvchi
U asosan o’zgarmaydigan chastotali motor, yuqori quvvatli press rulosi, rulo komponentlari va boshqalardan iborat. Qo’llab-quvvatlovchi rolik er-xotin o’rindiqli po’latdan yasalgan rulonli tuzilmani qabul qiladi. Po’lat rulo va ichki qisma yuqori haroratli izolyatsiyalash materiallari bilan to’ldirilgan, ichki qisma esa mil kaliti bilan bog’langan. Faqat demontaj qilish oson emas, balki ishlov beriladigan qismni uzatish paytida po’lat rulo bilan aloqa qilish natijasida yuzaga keladigan kuyishning oldini oladi.
Three, the sensor
U asosan bir nechta datchiklar majmuasidan, birlashtiruvchi mis panjaralardan, suv ajratgichlardan (suv kirish joyi), yopiq qaytariladigan quvurlardan, kanalli po’latdan yasalgan taglikdan, tez o’zgaruvchan suv bo’g’imlaridan va boshqalardan iborat.
Fourth, the switch of the sensor (quick change)
1. Switching of groups of sensors: integral lifting, sliding-in positioning installation, quick-change joints for water, and high-strength stainless steel large bolts for electricity connection.
2. Quick-change of single-section sensor: One quick-change joint for water inlet and outlet, and two large bolts for electricity connection.
3. Sensor copper tube: All are national standard T2 copper.
5. The equipment provided can meet the requirements of three-shift continuous operation 24 hours a day, and the operation is stable and reliable.
6. During the transmission process of the bar, there is no sparking phenomenon.