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Furnace technology for fused alumina corundum neutral ramming material for induction furnace

Furnace technology for fused alumina corundum neutral ramming material for induction furnace

De verschillende processen van het ovengebruiksproces zijn ook erg belangrijk voor de levensduur van de oven, en verschillende onjuiste bewerkingen kunnen de levensduur van de oven verkorten. Daarom moet tijdens het gebruik op de volgende punten worden gelet.

(1) Aangezien de gesinterde laag van het stampmateriaal van de nieuwe oven dun is, is het gebruiksproces van de nieuwe oven erg belangrijk. De eerste oven van de nieuwe oven moet 50% van het te smelten water toevoegen. Dit kan defecten zoals scheuren en barsten voorkomen die worden veroorzaakt door de snelle afkoeling van de ovenbekleding nadat al het water is afgevoerd; de nieuwe oven moet zoveel mogelijk continu worden gesmolten om intermitterend smelten te voorkomen. De resulterende scheuren moeten in het algemeen gedurende 1 week continu worden gesmolten.

(2) Try to avoid high temperature smelting during the smelting process. At high temperatures, the furnace lining will react with molten iron in the crucible, as shown in the following formula: SiO2+2C→Si+2CO. The higher the temperature, the higher the C and the lower the Si, the corrosion of the furnace lining will increase, especially in It is more obvious when the furnace is new, so try to avoid high temperature while ensuring the water temperature when melting.

(3) Vermijd oververhitting van de ovenbekleding. Omdat de verwarmingssnelheid van de middenfrequentieoven vrij snel is, wanneer de smelter niet oplet, zal de lading “overbruggend” lijken en zal de ovenbekleding lokaal op hoge temperatuur verschijnen of zelfs de vuurvastheid van de ovenbekleding overschrijden, wat kan veroorzaken de ovenvoering om schade te smelten en te corroderen.

(4) During use, when the furnace needs to be shut down for a long time due to failures and other reasons, the molten iron in the furnace should be emptied to avoid the furnace lining from being damaged due to the cracking of the furnace lining when the molten iron is condensed.

(5) Try to use clean charge during use, especially when the furnace is new.

(6) When the furnace is stopped for cooling, in order to avoid sudden cooling of the furnace lining, an empty furnace should be cooled. At the same time, to avoid cracks caused by the excessive temperature difference between the upper and lower temperature of the furnace lining during the cooling process, the furnace cover should be covered to make the furnace lining During cooling, the upper and lower sides are even, so as to ensure the service life of the furnace.

(7) Since vertical cracks inevitably appear when the furnace is cold, when the cold furnace is started, the furnace should be baked at a low temperature before melting, so that the cracks can be closed first, and the cracks can be prevented from infiltrating into the cracks when the molten iron is melted and the cracks are further expanded.

(8) Pay attention to the furnace condition during the use of the furnace. Observing the furnace condition is a kind of protection for the furnace. The bottom of the furnace is measured every 3 days, and the furnace wall must be observed for each furnace every day, thus ensuring the safety of the furnace lining. .

(9) Maintenance and maintenance of induction furnace equipment, such as frequent purging of the coil, cleaning the debris on the coil to prevent coil breakdown, thus avoiding the furnace disassembly caused by equipment failure, and effectively improving the service life of the crucible.