- 20
- Oct
Aké sú výhody zhášania samotného vysokofrekvenčného zhášacieho zariadenia?
Aké sú výhody zhášania vysokofrekvenčné kaliace zariadenie sám?
1. Povrch obrobku nie je ľahké oxidovať. Kvôli zahrievaniu je obrobok ľahko v kontakte s kyslíkom a povrch je oxidovaný, čo ovplyvní zahrievací účinok obrobku. Namiesto toho proces vysokofrekvenčného kalenia spôsobí nielen nadmernú oxidáciu, ale aj rýchlosť ohrevu obrobku je rýchla, čo zlepšuje efektivitu práce a samotný obrobok sa zriedka deformuje.
2. The standard of the surface hardened layer of the high-frequency quenched workpiece is within 1-1.5mm, which is different from the intermediate frequency quenching. The depth of the hardened layer of the intermediate frequency quenching can reach within 1-5mm, so the intermediate frequency quenching is It is used when high-frequency quenching cannot meet the process requirements. Of course, if it is some workpieces with deeper hardened layers, we use the power-frequency quenching process.
3. The heating method of the equipment is non-contact heating, which can quickly heat the workpiece with secondary deformation.
4. The quenching process of the workpiece can be automatically controlled, and it can be matched with quenching machine tools to achieve continuous quenching, segment quenching and scanning. This method is very suitable for some workpieces with strict requirements.
5. The heat treatment process of the high-frequency quenching equipment is very simple and low in cost.