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Installation method of vacuum atmosphere furnace

Начин уградње пећ у вакуумској атмосфери

Vacuum atmosphere furnaces are now used in many industrial manufacturing in the heating process. For the atmosphere furnace, we should first understand the structure of the atmosphere furnace before operating, in order to have a better operation of the atmosphere furnace, and to deal with various conditions in time during operation. .

The structure of the atmosphere furnace is mainly composed of a furnace frame, a furnace shell, a furnace lining, a furnace door device, an electric heating element and an auxiliary device. The function of the furnace frame is to bear the load of the furnace lining and the workpiece, and usually there are section steel welded into a frame, and the steel plate is covered. The function of the furnace shell of the vacuum atmosphere furnace is to protect the furnace lining, strengthen the structure of the electric furnace and maintain the airtightness of the electric furnace. The steel plate is usually welded on the steel frame. The reasonable design of the furnace frame and the furnace shell has sufficient strength. Let’s take a look at the installation method:

1. Пећ са вакуумском атмосфером не захтева посебну инсталацију, само је потребно поставити на равно тло или радни сто. Контролер треба да избегава вибрације, а локација не би требало да буде преблизу електричне пећи како би се спречило прегревање и електронске компоненте не могу нормално да раде.

2. Before installing the electric furnace, check whether it is damaged or incomplete due to transportation or other reasons. If it is complete, remove the dirt from the parts first, repair the defects found, and then install it.

3. Уметните термоелемент кроз отвор за пар и попуните празнину између рупе за пар и термоелемента азбестним ужетом да бисте спречили губитак топлоте.

4. Проверите да ли је електрични грејни елемент пећи са вакуумском атмосфером поломљен, напукао, озбиљно савијен и да ли испада из цигли.

5. Погледајте дијаграм ожичења у приручнику за контролер да бисте повезали кабл за напајање, кабл електричне пећи и компензациони кабл.

6. After the wire is connected, please follow the procedure below to bake the new vacuum atmosphere furnace before using it for the first time.