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How to detect the lining thickness of a high-temperature electric furnace?

How to detect the lining thickness of a højtemperatur elektrisk ovn?

1. Kapacitansmetode

Kapacitansmetoden ligner modstandsmetoden. En koaksial cirkulær kondensatorsensor er indlejret i ovnforingen, og kapacitansværdien svarer til dens længde. Tykkelsen af ​​højovnsmurværket kan bestemmes ved at måle kapacitansværdien.

2. Stress wave method

The stress wave signal is very sensitive to structural defects. When the stress wave propagates in the medium, such as holes, cracks and other interface discontinuities, reflection, refraction, scattering and mode conversion will occur. The thickness of the stave material can be determined.

3. Modstandsmetode

The resistance element is embedded inside the furnace lining, the front of the sensor is aligned with the inner surface of the furnace lining, and it is connected to the measurement system through a lead wire. The resistance value of the resistance element is related to its length. As the resistance element and the furnace lining lose synchronously, the resistance will change. Use the corresponding measurement The meter measures the electrical signal output by the component, and then the remaining thickness of the furnace lining can be measured online.

4. Metode til registrering af varmestrøm

Ifølge termodynamik bestemmer temperaturforskel, termisk ledningsevne og ovnvægtykkelse varmestrømningsintensiteten. For højovnsforing er den termiske ledningsevne fast, og ovnens vægtykkelse kan fås ud fra temperaturforskellen og varmestrømningsintensiteten.

The heat flow detection sensor is installed in the lower temperature part of the furnace lining. The heat flow intensity is calculated by the water temperature difference of the cooling wall of the hearth, and the temperature value measured by the thermocouple in the brick lining is combined to calculate the thickness of the furnace wall.

5. Ultralydsmetode

The thickness measurement is carried out at the point where the ultrasound propagates in the solid medium. At a constant temperature, the ultrasound is incident on the furnace lining and enters the furnace. The propagation time of the incident and reflection of the ultrasound in the furnace lining is used to obtain the residual thickness of the furnace lining.

6. Multi-head termoelement metode

Several thermocouples of different lengths are installed in a protective sleeve, and then they are installed in the brick lining that needs to be inspected, and the erosion of the masonry can be inferred by measuring the temperature change of each thermocouple. When the temperature of each point and the temperature gradient between each point are basically stable, when the brick lining is gradually eroded to a certain part, the galvanic couple in that part will be destroyed, and the temperature signal will be abnormal.

7. Modelinferensmetode

Den bruger termoelementer som detektionselementer, anvender termodynamik og andre teorier til at etablere en matematisk model af ildstedet og ovnbundens temperatursted og beregner de omtrentlige positioner af størkningslinjen for smeltet jern og kulstofmurstenserosionslinjen gennem softwareprogrammering og numerisk analyse.