- 28
- Sep
Mgbanwe ngwa ngwa maka quenching inductor
Mgbanwe ngwa ngwa maka quenching inductor
The connection between the inductor and the quenching transformer requires strong electrical connection, low resistance, and reliability. The early design of the inductor and the transformer contact plate are connected with bolts and nut washers: the intermediate frequency sensor has two rows of M12 bolts, a total of 10 bolts; the high frequency sensor also has M8 or M10 bolts, a total of 4 bolts. It is time-consuming and laborious to load and unload the sensor once, and the cooling water inlet and outlet pipes need to be connected to the sensor, which increases the auxiliary time.
Mgbanwe ngwa ngwa maka ihe mmetụta
Foto a na-egosi chuck mgbanwe ngwa ngwa maka ihe mmetụta, nke mejupụtara ahụ efere kọntaktị, ihe ntinye aka, ngọngọ ịpị, mgbanaka akara na valvụ ntinye mmiri. N’etiti n’ihu bụ ntinye ntinye nke ihe mmetụta, na mgbanaka akara abụọ bụ ntinye mmiri na ntinye nke ihe mmetụta. Mgbe ihe mmetụta nwere ụkpụrụ ọkọlọtọ nke ngọngọ njikọ na-abanye n’ọdụ ụgbọ mmiri ntinye, na-atụgharị aka 3, ngọngọ bakelite na-agbanye njikọ njikọ na ala ala nke ọdụ ụgbọ mmiri ntinye, na mmiri na ọkụ eletrik na-agwụ n’otu oge. Mgbe ị na-edochi ihe mmetụta, valvụ ntinye mmiri 5 nwere ike mechie. Site na usoro a, ọ na-ewe ihe dị ka 10 sekọnd iji dochie ihe mmetụta, nke na-eme ka arụmọrụ ọrụ dịkwuo mma ma chekwaa ọrụ. A na-eji chuck a mee ihe n’ọtụtụ ebe na mmepụta ma dabara adaba maka ike ugboro ugboro n’okpuru 60kW.
Ihe mmetụta sensọ ngwa ngwa mgbanwe chack na ihe mmetụta
a) Nchicha mgbanwe ngwa ngwa b) Mgbanwe ngwa ngwa na ihe mmetụta
1 a akara mgbanaka 2-nrụgide ngọngọ 3-aka 4 a kọntaktị efere ahụ 5-mmiri ntinye valvụ